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An in general Show Editor question.


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You would think after 6 years I would have figured this out, but a few questions on show editor as I have confused myself between background and animation.

1: Background  anything placed here runs the entire time correct?  Does this include both startup and shut down?

2: Animation runs the entire time but does not include start up and shut down?

Feeling old and stupid this morning and trying to track down a gremlin......


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As I recall, 1 - yes and 2 - no.

However that is VERY well documented in the help.  Try reading it.


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On 12/27/2020 at 12:33 PM, k6ccc said:

As I recall, 1 - yes and 2 - no.

However that is VERY well documented in the help.  Try reading it.


Jim, I DID read it, that is why the question.  It says the back ground starts when the show starts and ends when the show ends.  So let me rephrase, Does the show INCLUDE the start up and shut down, or just the animation and musical.  It does NOT say that!  This is the only thing that is said about background on LOR's online manual.  Doesn't say a thing about whether background runs during start up and shut down, hence the confusion on my part.  I have already put my controllers away for the year or I would play with it to see

The Background Section


When a show is started (at a time determined by the schedule), all of the sequences in the show's background section will start playing, simultaneously.  When such a sequence reaches its end, it will simply loop back to its beginning and keep playing.  All of these sequences will continue playing in this way until the show ends (also at a time determined by the schedule).


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It states that the background tab starts when the show starts and runs until the show ends.  Sure sounds like that is anytime that the show is running.  The "show" includes startup and shutdown.


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