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Instant Sequencer Help


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I currently have basic set up with 7 strands of 100 rgb bullets in a Pixie16 Controller.  I’m using 7 channels of the 16 available.  I have adjusted the settings in SS and allowed an extension of 50 pixels (not sure if I should have done that or not).  I currently don’t have them grouped, but from what I have been reading it may be better to do so.  I understand that SS can’t handle all 700 pixels, but can I create an instant sequence for one 100 pixel section and then copy and paste that SS effect into my other 6 props in S5?  I’ve tried a few times and and it seems to work for a short period, but after some time in the song it seems as if 50 pixels in each prop stop lighting.  Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated.  


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You can do all 700 pixels in superstar. superstar can handle up to 16,000 pixels.

I think the limitation you are running into is that in S5 you can only do "insert superstar effect" on one motion effect row. But as you indicate, you can make a group containing all 7 strands. After making the group there will be a motion effect row for the group and when you do "insert superstar effect" you will see all 7 rows in superstar.

When you make the group it is important to set the arrangement to "vertical stack" or one of the two "horizontal stack" options. If it is a vertical tree then you will want to do one of the two "horizontal stack" options. If it is a horizontal matrix then you will want to do "vertical stack"

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Thanks for the response.  I created my Group, but I seem to be running into a new obstacle.  I am sure it is purely user error, but hopefully you can provide a solution.  When I go to add the SS Effect on my Entire Group I get the error message "ChannelMapSize exceeds 65535, setting channelMapSize to 65535."  I clicked OK and it pulled up my Visualization in SS with the same error message.  SS allowed me to go ahead and open the audio file and Sequence All.  When I play the sequence, it only appears to be using two strands of my visualization.  

Is this potentially an issue with how I have them Grouped?  For your reference, as I noted in my initial post:  I have 7 strands of 100 RGB bullets that I have outlining the roof of my home and my garage.  I have them all set as 2 Segments of 100 RGB nodes.  I was only able to get the vertical stack to work because when I switch to Horizontal Stack and try to add the SS effect, I get the error message of "SS supports a maximum width of 360, however Entire Display is 502 nodes wide. 

Barring I can get the preview setup properly, will SS show all 700 RGBs in the preview or will it only show 50 of the RGBs per strand?

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grouping lights that outline a house can be confusing because some of them are horizontal and some are vertical.

I would start by just putting 2 of the segments into the group. Go into superstar and if it laid them end to end yet you want them stacked then change the arrangement.

If you have two strings end to end then you may want the grid for them to be end to end. It is your personal preference.

Once you have the first two laid out how you want, add a third. Again, if the grid isn't the way you want then change the arrangement setting for the third string that you just added.

I know it is tedious, but doing it one by one you can methodically get it to be the way you want.

Also note that in the dialog box that shows the group there is an orientation setting for each string. This changes the orientation of the grid, not the string. So if the grid is not corresponding to the lights in the way you want then you can "flip" the orientation to go the other way.

If you need further clarification send an email to brian@superstarlights.com

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