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Pixie 16 tree help only 8 playing

marty h

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I added a pixie 16 tree plug n play kit this year.  I have the new g4 mini director.  2 networks set up. Pixie tree on 500k Enhanced and all the other controllers on 57k as in past.  I used the add s5 prop to add tree to my sequences.  Everything plays in sequences. 

When I play sequences only 8 light strands respond.  I must not have something configured correctly. Help would be greatly appreciated.   Below is the tree confiuration.  I also attached screen shot of how tree shows in sequence.

Thank you in advance.







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Set the actual number of strings to 8

Set the number of folds to 1

Alternatively, you can click on the "add" button in Preview Design, and in the list of options choose "superstar (online)"  There is a list of props. Choose the 16x25 tree that has the first string start on the left. This prop is designed to be used for the tree.


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I believe thats the tree I originally used.  I'll try it again.  Also does it mater that my tree is flat rather than cone shapped or round


Thank you I really appreciate the help.  I want to get this tree working. 






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Are you sequencing the tree in superstar? If so, be sure to use the method where:

select the motion effect row for the tree

right click in the selection and choose "insert superstar effect"

superstar launches. You do your sequencing, or open a .sup file

shut down superstar and the data automatically gets sent to the sequencer

after it returns to the sequencer and finishes processing, click on the stop button and then click on the play button

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i bought the sequences and motion packs from lightorama   I'll try my tree with the changes this afternoon.


Thanks a bunch

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I believe the unit ID used for the 16x25 tree in the motion packs is 40 so you will want to change the unit ID to be 40

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Just asking.  So if the unit id is supposed to be 40 why when you add using the 16x25 does it always make it 10?



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I'm not really sure. The programmer for the sequencer apparently chose 10 as the default. And the preview in "superstar (online)" defaults to 01. I chose the default of 01 because that is what the tree kits used to default to.

But the tree kits now ship with unit ID 40. So as you suggest, it would be good to change the default of the "superstar (online0" preview to 40


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I'll give it a try.  I sent my configuration to the help desk.  They replied everything looks good and to try and reset the unit id again.  I used the dip switches so I'll try setting it with the hardware utility. 


Thanks Again and I'll let you know. 



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Setting it with the dip switches is fine. I would leave it set with the dip switches, but launch the hardware utility, click on the "refresh" button and confirm the unit ID is set to what you think it is. 

Note that if you set it with the Hardware Utility while it is set with the dip switches, the controller will accept the setting from the Hardware Utility and will use that setting until the unit is powered off. When the unit is powered on, it will use the setting in the dip switces.

If you want the setting from the Hardware Utility to persist when it is next powered up, then set all the dip switches "off"

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It's Working !!!!!!

I turned of dip switches off on pixie controller.   Set unit id to 40.  I only had 8 strings at first.  I changed configuration back to 16 strings and set folds back to 0. 

It looks good and seems to be in time.  

Thank you so much!!!!  HI FIVE, 



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Glad you got it working!

It sounds like I misunderstood. I thought you had the 6 ft 16x25 tree that lightorama sells. Sounds like it is a tree with 16 strings of 50 pixels each.

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