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Stop trying to reinvent the wheel

Mr. P

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What I mean by that is stop trying to take short cuts and easier routes when running your LOR network. The LOR network is RS485 which is a serial network meaning daisy chaining your controllers end to end. There are no switches or routers, there are no Y's or T's or even W's for that matter. The only way to connect them on a computer is through your usb port and usb adapter, NOT THE ETHERNET PORT!! Your LOR RS485 network can be up to 4,000 feet long so there is no shortage there. If you connect your controllers any other way you stand a good chance of burning up that controller that you paid good money for and will now have to replace.

If you aren't sure about something come here and ask.

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7 hours ago, Don said:

The wheel sucks. It only goes round and round.

Must build better wheel. :)

Except for the ones on that Chariot that are triangular and made of wood in a TV ad! LOL  Just another stupid TV car ad for some auto sales publication.  Funny the 1st time through, after that, not so much.

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