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7 hours ago, LaughsBrightly said:

With 2020 being a dumpster fire wondering if anyone is lighting up early this year?  I'm targeting Thanksgiving.

I plan on starting mine Saturday (11/21/20). I have always started the show on Thanksgiving night but due to the Covid blues I plan on firing things up early. If people come great. If not then I have given myself a few more days to fix any issues that I may have with the display. 

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It's either going to be a few days before Thanksgiving or a few days after. Depending on when I get finished with setup. Normally it's Thanksgiving night for me for my start date. 

Edited by TitusCarnathan
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I have been checking sequences for about an half an hour most nights for the last week on some props.

Controllers will be powered up and show enabled for the last time on Thursday. It'll stay on till the 1st.

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I was originally planning about a week early, which would have been this weekend. But after having surgery and being slowed down, I will go with my normal time of Friday after Thanksgiving.


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I usually light up on Thanksgiving evening but I'm seeing more and more houses lighting up over the past 2 weeks.  So I'm seriously thinking of lighting up this weekend since I'll be finished with my setup tomorrow (Sat) afternoon.

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We also light up Thanksgiving night, but my wife said we should light up early cause she's seen more early lighters and it made her feel good, so I think I will light up tomorrow night and join the early club. The way this year has been i'm all for feeling good, at least better.



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We started tonight and I was very pleased with the response, a lot more cars than I thought we would have for 3 days early on a Monday. Lots of people very happy to see the street lit up again, glad we started early!



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My normal opening is Friday after Thanksgiving, so as I type this, I still have 22 hours, 47 minutes.  I have a couple spring nuts to pick up at Home Depot when they open in the morning and an hour or so and I am ready to go.  Because of COVID-19, I am not doing my normal big opening event.  That means I won't spend most of tomorrow afternoon baking hundreds of chocolate chip cookies as I normally do.


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I worked hard and late to get everything ready for Monday as there are so many lights in the area this year. Glad I had that extra testing time as going from 48 to 128 channels found lots more to fix than usual. Lit up Monday without issue but the GFCI's were tripping in the rain Tuesday. Spent the day in the yard and everything ran great tonight.  Had so many people come by saying they had never seen me out in the yard before and wanted to say how much they've appreciated the lights over the years.

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Finally got my LOR Singing Trees {duo, Ralphie and Zuzu} set up out front, sheesh what a pain they were too!  Got my roof line set up, but unfortunately didn't get it even on the front, but it's staying as is.  So I finally got some RGB lights going early Friday morning, like around 2AM running an animation test to see if I had any issues with what I've done so far.  No issues, so far so good.

Worked from 6:45AM Thanksgiving morning until Friday morning and just came in around 2:15-2:20AM to check e-mail and the forum before hitting the bed.

Still have 3 RGB Controllers and lights to get up, one is my dual Trellis Arches, and 2 are for my handicap ramp, then I still need to get my 3 translucent red bells up, and 8 blow molds mounted and secured and cords ran from the corresponding CTB16PC Controller to the blow molds, wall mounted items and a few other odd and end things.   Hoping I can get it all done and start the show on Saturday night.   Already running my off hours music and my overnight lights that are currently set up and operational.

With a little luck I'm hoping to be live Saturday night!


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