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pixel tree issues


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adding a 16x50 RGB tree to my display this year - and have two issues.  The controller used in the Pixie 16 and seemed to install correctly.  When I run a sequence however, there are three strands that are not working correctly.  the strings with show issues when one of the motion options is used (ripple, spiral, etc), but works fine with color wash.  have checked all the connections on the stands and controller, and all are tight.  I can run the test program and this also runs without issue.  my controller is a V4, and i am running version 5.5.6 software in windows 7.


any help would be appreciated

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Forgot to mention the second issue. Not sure if they are related or not. Have been running an AC based show for the last 3 years using two 16 channel controllers with no issues. I have added the pixie 16 to the setup, running a dedicated data line to the controller. My legacy show has always run on com4, and the HU located the pixie16 on com 6. I can go into network preferences and set the pixie as enhanced running at the 100 meg speed, then set up the two AC controllers as Aux.  when I run the show however, only the pixie controller operates.  I can change the AC controller to the regular option and the pixie to Aux, and only the AC controller operates. 

This is my first year running the S5 version of the software - is this normal for this version?


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1 hour ago, Christmas17 said:

Forgot to mention the second issue. Not sure if they are related or not. Have been running an AC based show for the last 3 years using two 16 channel controllers with no issues. I have added the pixie 16 to the setup, running a dedicated data line to the controller. My legacy show has always run on com4, and the HU located the pixie16 on com 6. I can go into network preferences and set the pixie as enhanced running at the 100 meg speed, then set up the two AC controllers as Aux.  when I run the show however, only the pixie controller operates.  I can change the AC controller to the regular option and the pixie to Aux, and only the AC controller operates. 

This is my first year running the S5 version of the software - is this normal for this version?


What’s 100mg speed?

Run the pixie 16 at 500k “enhanced”.

You also need the red adapter.

If you are talking 1000k - see the note at setup “reserved for pixcon16 only”

Sounds like you have a channel conflict 

What are your unit IDs for everything?


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Sorry - long night


pixie16 is set for 500 enhanced. My unit ID’s ate 01 and 02 for the AC controllers and 03 for the pixie. The pixie is configured for the LOR protocol and the channels populated correctly beginning at unit ID 03


checked the channel setups for all three units in the software and there are no conflicts. The visualizer in the sequence editor looks fine




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36 minutes ago, Christmas17 said:

Sorry - long night


pixie16 is set for 500 enhanced. My unit ID’s ate 01 and 02 for the AC controllers and 03 for the pixie. The pixie is configured for the LOR protocol and the channels populated correctly beginning at unit ID 03


checked the channel setups for all three units in the software and there are no conflicts. The visualizer in the sequence editor looks fine




What are the unit IDs of the pixie16?

In most cases I find things work better keeping comm3 the Reg NW and don't skip a comm for repetitive NW's. I don't know why, but when I help people that is what I find. When they change things around all work.

If all of your controllers are G3 why 2 networks.

You can run a bunch of AC controllers and the pixie16 tree on the same Network.

Are you using the Red HS Adapter? that is a must, no matter what you read otherwise. A black one will in most cases work for testing but all bets are off when running or attempting to run a show.




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Thanks JR

the HU lists the AC controllers as 16PC-G3ver1.09.  when i purchased the pixel tree package, i was told these had to run on separate networks - thus the two com ports.  if i can daisy chain these together, it would be so much easier

as for com ports, the only two i have available on this computer are Com4 and Com6.

i am using the red adaptor for the pixel tree - and the standard black adaptor for the AC controllers

have attached a screenshot of the prop setup for the pixel tree.  this has the channel assignments 

i will try the daisy chain idea this afternoon.  hopefully this will take care of at least one of the issues


a second though on conflicts - could this be due to a security program running in the background?  the computer has Norton 360 installed - but i can easily disable this as i am not connected to the internet for the computer i use for the shows


thanks again for your help





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53 minutes ago, Christmas17 said:

Thanks JR

the HU lists the AC controllers as 16PC-G3ver1.09.  when i purchased the pixel tree package, i was told these had to run on separate networks - thus the two com ports.  if i can daisy chain these together, it would be so much easier

as for com ports, the only two i have available on this computer are Com4 and Com6.

i am using the red adaptor for the pixel tree - and the standard black adaptor for the AC controllers

have attached a screenshot of the prop setup for the pixel tree.  this has the channel assignments 

i will try the daisy chain idea this afternoon.  hopefully this will take care of at least one of the issues


a second though on conflicts - could this be due to a security program running in the background?  the computer has Norton 360 installed - but i can easily disable this as i am not connected to the internet for the computer i use for the shows


thanks again for your help





Yes, daisy chain them together. The Red adapter is backwards compatible , all controllers can run off it. As long as the other controllers are G3.

You will want to turn off your security software. At least that is what LOR recommends and that's what I have always done.

However a great friend told me yesterday that he has no problems running his security programs. That's what separates those of us who are not at all familiar with such programs and the one who are. He is a tech savvy guy, I can sequence but no nothing about internal software. LOL

If you cant get your tree to work, let me know and I can send you my prop file later this evening. All you would have to do is reassign the unit ID and NW. 


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Com ports are windows way of talking to attached adapters. They don't exist until you FIRST time attach the adapter (You should always install the adapter driver ONE TIME. applies for all LOR USB adapters)

You need to match things up.  Com# -> LOR network  using the Network config tool

💡 Once identified in HU, DO NOT CLICK THE 'USE FOR SHOW'. That undoes  your settings.  Just select the COM you are testing with.



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4 hours ago, TheDucks said:

Com ports are windows way of talking to attached adapters. They don't exist until you FIRST time attach the adapter (You should always install the adapter driver ONE TIME. applies for all LOR USB adapters)

You need to match things up.  Com# -> LOR network  using the Network config tool

💡 Once identified in HU, DO NOT CLICK THE 'USE FOR SHOW'. That undoes  your settings.  Just select the COM you are testing with.



There is no reason for him to have additional networks with that few of controllers. At one time I had 30+ AC controllers and my ccr tree on one NW. I had a usb hub failure and had to consolidate some networks.

Most people get really confused when adding an additional network.

Lately there have been a lot of calls to me about network problems, most people hit the panic button "auto config". Which we both know will really screw you up if you have multiple networks. When I had 7 NW's I learned a valuable lesson when I dropped a new box off ccr ribbons on my computer with the HU open. All 7 NWs were reconfigured.

I had to go into the Win10 port settings and plug each one in to see what it was identified, it took hours because I am not good with the internal programs of computers and I had 2 comm 3's show up. I had to figure that one out.

2018 and 19 I had 12/13 networks.

With the addition of dmx I dropped quite a few NW's but still had 9 for HAlloween.

They should put a disclaimer in that auto config - If you have more than 1 NW do not push. The same as the "is this the port you want to use for your show". I made that mistake very early on in LOR. Never again.


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Thanks to All.  daisy chained the three controllers together and the full show is working.  still have an issue with approximately 4 channels on the pixel tree.  plan now is to switch the cables to see if the problem is hardware or software.  so far nothing is showing conflicts in the program so my guess is this will be a hardware issue

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43 minutes ago, Christmas17 said:

Thanks to All.  daisy chained the three controllers together and the full show is working.  still have an issue with approximately 4 channels on the pixel tree.  plan now is to switch the cables to see if the problem is hardware or software.  so far nothing is showing conflicts in the program so my guess is this will be a hardware issue

Easier to switch the green connectors. Unplug from the one and in to the other.

See if it follows the port(s).


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just completed the test - switched ports 7 to 6, and 8 to 9.  problem followed the ports.  it is strange though that this only occurs where movement is involved.  the sequence i put in ran a red color wash, green color wash, red/green color wash, spirals, and straight lines.  the problem only occurred on the red/green color wash, spirals and straight lines.  the solid color wash was fine

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I suspect a Bad wiring connection in the green connector. Remove the three wires. Strip a tad more of the casing. Ensure you screw up the green connectors all the way, reinsert the wire and screw down tight. Ensure the wire is being sandwiched between the two metal plates and not resting under the bottom plate.


Edited by dibblejr
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10 hours ago, dibblejr said:

I suspect a Bad wiring connection in the green connector. Remove the three wires. Strip a tad more of the casing. Ensure you screw up the green connectors all the way, reinsert the wire and screw down tight. Ensure the wire is being sandwiched between the two metal plates and not resting under the bottom plate.


See and this is why I have gotten to where I am in this hobby today. You sir are a treasure trove of knowledge! You helped me build and always took the time to explain things so I could understand them. Now there is a slight downside to that...... Because when I make the switch to S5 next year, You know exactly who I am calling every little problem I come across hahahahaha

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Checked all of the connectors in the controller box this afternoon and did not see any issues. Pulled the green connectors on ports 1, 2, 7 and 8, backed out the screws and pilled the wires. Each copper end has a flat indentation indicating the internal flat connector was positioned correctly. Carefully replaced the wire making sure the connection was good. Ran a dummy sequence using only the pixel tree, and the problem is still there.


disconnected and inspected all the pigtails and extensions from the control box to the pixel string and insured all were positioned correctly and the connection tight.  I also changed out the cat cable supplying the tree with a new one, but still have the problem.


Not sure what to do next - ideas welcome




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19 hours ago, Christmas17 said:

Checked all of the connectors in the controller box this afternoon and did not see any issues. Pulled the green connectors on ports 1, 2, 7 and 8, backed out the screws and pilled the wires. Each copper end has a flat indentation indicating the internal flat connector was positioned correctly. Carefully replaced the wire making sure the connection was good. Ran a dummy sequence using only the pixel tree, and the problem is still there.


disconnected and inspected all the pigtails and extensions from the control box to the pixel string and insured all were positioned correctly and the connection tight.  I also changed out the cat cable supplying the tree with a new one, but still have the problem.


Not sure what to do next - ideas welcome




If the problem follows the ports, changing the cables from 1-2 and the problem switches to 2- the problem is in the cables or the lights.

Do you have the correct chip set selected in the HU setup tab?


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3 hours ago, dibblejr said:

If the problem follows the ports, changing the cables from 1-2 and the problem switches to 2- the problem is in the cables or the lights.

Do you have the correct chip set selected in the HU setup tab?


You only get to set one chipset per Pixie. So the fact the trouble follows, means:

The chipset is not the same as those that work (was different source for those bad strings) or the older 400Hz version

The strings were wired backwards (connector on Data Out end (string sees power, but no data)

I'm outa ideas (limited experience with smart nodes, I only have one brand, ~800 nodes)

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24 minutes ago, TheDucks said:

You only get to set one chipset per Pixie. So the fact the trouble follows, means:

The chipset is not the same as those that work (was different source for those bad strings) or the older 400Hz version

The strings were wired backwards (connector on Data Out end (string sees power, but no data)

I'm outa ideas (limited experience with smart nodes, I only have one brand, ~800 nodes)

Yes and if it’s wrong did results can happen.

 Depends on the chipset. I have seen all sorts of weird stuff when people call me and they have things set up wrong.

Without physically being there we have to rely on the date Fed to us.

I have had people in the phone telling me one thing but I could hear them doing other things and a quick screenshot told another story.

Takes me back to the original and another post where the OP che led all cables but today reported he found a bad cable. 

One thing eliminated is the controller in this situation.


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Did find the problem this afternoon.  Thought I’d post the issue, as I can imagine other novices like me doing the same thing


issue was with the Configuration of the new controller. I went thru the steps for the basic setup, but did not open the advanced tab. LOR help desk suggested I take a look at the advanced screen and make sure no props were identified. Opened the screen and there were two pixel tree props identified.  I removed the props - and the issue resolved. 


Have no no idea where these came from, and they do not show up on any of the previews - but once removed, the pixel tree worked like a champ


in short - lights are blinking and wife is happy🙂


thanks again for for all of your help


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