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Configuration export/import confusion


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Ok, I am confused.  Running v4.4.4 Pro.  Say for example I have 2 songs just the way I want them.  Timing is just right on both, the visualizer has all the props just right and the songs look great on the house.

Now I add a new element to the show, say another Weber tree.  I add the new prop to the Visualizer, add a new controller in the yard and to the Sequencer Editor.  Get one song just right with the new element.

Now I want to change the configuration for the other song as well.  So I Export the config file from the first sequence.  Then I open up the other sequence and Import the new configuration to it.  For some reason, it messes up that sequence that was running properly.  The channels get all mixed up.   Shouldn’t the import just add the new channels to that sequence and then I simply have to get the timing correct for the new element?

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ALWAYS, add the new device or channels to the bottom of the sequence. Export the configuration. Then the import into subsequent sequences will not be messed up.

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32 minutes ago, Donl1150 said:

Ok, I am confused.  Running v4.4.4 Pro.  Say for example I have 2 songs just the way I want them.  Timing is just right on both, the visualizer has all the props just right and the songs look great on the house.

Now I add a new element to the show, say another Weber tree.  I add the new prop to the Visualizer, add a new controller in the yard and to the Sequencer Editor.  Get one song just right with the new element.

Now I want to change the configuration for the other song as well.  So I Export the config file from the first sequence.  Then I open up the other sequence and Import the new configuration to it.  For some reason, it messes up that sequence that was running properly.  The channels get all mixed up.   Shouldn’t the import just add the new channels to that sequence and then I simply have to get the timing correct for the new element?

It overlays the ORDER the channels appear.  That is why Phils advice  is good. You can't IMPORT INTO an existing sequence. Because it always starts at row 1

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4 hours ago, TheDucks said:

You can't IMPORT INTO an existing sequence. Because it always starts at row 1

So what is the purpose of the import function?   Seems to me it will always mess up an existing sequence then.   But Phil says you CAN import into subsequent (existing I take that to mean) or am I wrong?



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1 hour ago, Donl1150 said:

So what is the purpose of the import function?   Seems to me it will always mess up an existing sequence then.   But Phil says you CAN import into subsequent (existing I take that to mean) or am I wrong?



When you START a NEW sequence. It is YOUR setups config  (channel/controllertemplate) that you want to use for every (season. Things move after Halloween 😛) sequence

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2 hours ago, Donl1150 said:

So what is the purpose of the import function?   Seems to me it will always mess up an existing sequence then.   But Phil says you CAN import into subsequent (existing I take that to mean) or am I wrong?





The purpose of the import/export function is to simply to exactly as stated "Import/Export the Grid configuration". Like said earlier in S4 the grid configuration works on a per row basis in order as shown so when you import over a existing sequence lets say your new prop is line item 7/48 then once you import into a new sequence that is where the new prop will appear and it will hold the sequencing where prop 7 used to be which is now prop 8...8 now 9..9 now 10 etc... So like said above its best to add new props to the bottom rows so when you import you will just have blank rows created at the bottom. But if you are like me and want the grid organized and not just toss stuff at the bottom you just need to make a few notes.

Example (Let the names represent the channels & Let the numerical values represent the sequencing) Old Layout is 

Tree 111

Santa 222

Snowman 333

Roof 444

Star 555

Tree2 666

Door 777

Windows 888

Lets say your new prop is Garage Doors so lets add Garage Doors between Roof and Star because thats where we like it. As well as arch above the door channel

Layout with New Prop

Tree 111

Santa 222

Snowman 333

Roof 444

Garage Doors 999

Star 555

Tree2 666

Arch 0101

Door 777

Windows 888


Now lets export and import the grid layout into a old sequence

Sequence 2 (imported grid layout) (note the windows channel is now null and garage doors have taken the sequencing value of the star....and likewise for the arch... lets fix that)

Tree 111

Santa 222

Snowman 333

Roof 444

Garage Doors 555

Star 666

Tree2 777

Arch 888


Windows NULL

Now all we need to do to fix this is have some notes on what we need to do so now that we have the background of what the process is we can quickly solve our issue by leaving Tree, Santa, Snowman and Roof alone as they were not affected. Cut/Paste Tree2 to Door, Cut/Paste Star to Tree2, Cut/Paste Garage Doors to Star, Cut/Paste Arch to Windows and we are done. Below is the result

Sequence 2 (imported grid layout with some moving around)

Tree 111

Santa 222

Snowman 333

Roof 444

Garage Doors NULL

Star 555

Tree2 666


Door 777

Windows 888


Now simply repeat this process for all of your sequences and you are off to the races......OR..... Upgrade to S5 where the the "channels/rows" are stored by a unique identifier (I am assuming stored in an static array) so regardless of where you move stuff around when you import your grid your sequencing now stays with the row and not in sequential order.


Hope this helps, any questions feel free to ask.

Edited by c7williams
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Firstly you can import into an existing sequence providing the new stuff is at the bottom. Or, as in C7s post you are familiar with the way it works.

The simplest way is outlined below.

Open the sequence you want to add to.

Add your channels or device at the very bottom of all existing channels.

Export your config and save the sequence.

Open your second sequence.

Import your new config.

It will now be the same layout as seq 1.

Repeat for the rest of your seqs.

This all assumes that all the sequences are the same to start with  if the row order is different  in any of them, the import will be out of order.

It is always a good idea to practice these kind of activities on a copy of your good sequences until you are sure you have it right.

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16 hours ago, c7williams said:

Sequence 2 (imported grid layout) (note the windows channel is now null and garage doors have taken the sequencing value of the star....and likewise for the arch... lets fix that)

Tree 111

Santa 222

Snowman 333

Roof 444

Garage Doors 555

Star 666

Tree2 777

Arch 888


Windows NULL

Now all we need to do to fix this is have some notes on what we need to do so now that we have the background of what the process is we can quickly solve our issue by leaving Tree, Santa, Snowman and Roof alone as they were not affected. Cut/Paste Tree2 to Door, Cut/Paste Star to Tree2, Cut/Paste Garage Doors to Star, Cut/Paste Arch to Windows and we are done.

Alternately, if you insert the exact number of blank rows you need for Garage Door between roof and star and apply the import, you wont have to copy and paste anything.

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57 minutes ago, PhilMassey said:

Alternately, if you insert the exact number of blank rows you need for Garage Door between roof and star and apply the import, you wont have to copy and paste anything.

Yes, that would also be a good method as well. (The better method is upgrade to S5 tho lol) 

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Not to change the subject here, cuz I know there are plenty of threads out there on the subject, but how tough is the learning curve on S5?  Just a quick answer for a somewhat experienced novice on S4 like me.......very tough, not too bad, or simple?

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Very, very, very, very, tough. It is actually all new software and nothing like S4. It would be like learning from scratch.

If you were new to LOR I would say start with S5 as you would have nothing to unlearn.

However, since you have been using S4 for a while you would have to unlearn and relearn how to use LOR.

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Just to underline what Mr P said.

I started S5 in Feb of 2019 and it still makes me go hmmmm. Once you get it, it's great, but one month from show open is not the time 

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Stay with S4 for your 2020 show.  Start migrating AFTER your 2020 season is completed.  That will give you all year to figure it out.  Some of it is fairly similar, but there is A LOT of new. 


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Thanks.    That begs the obvious question.....is it really worth it?   Is it that much better?   Much more capability?  Or perhaps worries they will stop supporting S4?  In other words, why switch?


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Yes, S5 is worth the learning curve - especially if you have lots of pixels.

And yes, there are some things that LOR is not planning on fixing in S4 - Getting more than 50 LOR channels on a pixel string in Visualizer for one...


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The difference between Pixel Editor and the S5 Sequencer is night and day. Everything in one place.

Much easier, better and more control of Motion Effects. Everything is now integrated into the Sequencer. I never could get along with PE but S5 is fine.

I would not want to go back to S4, even if I could.

The drawbacks are a completely new method of configuration to learn and a more complex file system. 

It just takes a little time to get the hang of it.

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