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If I make a channel change in my preview for a dumb RGB address change on a prop, say like universe 1 channel 1 and change it to universe 1 channel 55,  do I need to reopen each sequence and resave, or will it pick it up automatically when it is showtime?


A change to the preview will automatically be picked at show time. This may result in a delay before the first time each sequence plays. You can avoid the delay by opening your show file in the Sequence Compressor and do the processing ahead of time.



Matt, every time I hit save on a preview, it adds a higher version number to the preview.  I always compress to save time between loading sequences for shows.  My shows have no repeat songs because I have many sequences. Is it okay to go into the L: file and delete the older version of compressed files with the lower preview number?  Seems like a large amount of data storage just sitting there.  Of course you already know all this.  Thank you


I think you have several different things confused here. When you say Previews I think you mean Sequence files with the LOREDIT extension.. Previews are not stored in individual files and do not get backed up in that way.

You probably have the auto save functions on in Sequencer Preferences which is creating the extra sequence files when you save. That's fine as it gives you a fallback if something goes wrong with a sequence. 

All the playback files are created in the depths of the Lorinternal folder, including the compressed sequence LCS files. 

Old copies of files with the LCS extension can safely be deleted. Worst case,  the active sequences will recreate their compressed files when you play a show, or use the Sequence Compressor on your current show. 

If you are not seeing the filename extensions, you can turn it on in Windows File Explorer View toolbar.



Thanks Matt!



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