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S4 Visualizer changed grid location in SS


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Been toying with S5, but not grasping it yet, so will stick with S4 for 2020

Changing up my display, adding pixels to the roofline. To facilitate, drew up a simple Visualizer file and have about 1/2 of my first song completed in Superstar. The RGG I had were CCB's on two of the old CBD100 controllers. Took a break, and decided to add some regular LED's in Visualizer to the roofline to simulate the icicles I will also have hanging. These are straight LED and will be controlled by a CTB 16

Saved the file in visualizer, reopened SS and tried to continue working on previous song. The programming grid in SS was set four rows of 50, top row far right string, bottom row far left string. As I drew in my first morph, noticed the rows have changed position, yet no row for the LED strings appeared in SS (didn't expect them to). Top row is now 3rd CCB string to the right, 2nd row is far left string, 3rd row is now far right string and bottom row is now 2nd string from right

Since i didn't want this, went back to the visualizer, deleted the LED string, saved it, verified in Visualizer the 4 CCB strings are still in the right places. Went back to SS, visulaizer placement is still screwed up even after shutting SS down, relaoding SS and then reimporting the VIZ file

Other than drawing a new Viz, how do I recover?

Came up with a thought, wnet back to visualizer and selected SuperStar in the fixtures and "Forced" row position. Saved, reopened SS, opened the sequence, same ting, reimported the Viz file, same thing, rows are messed up


Edited by jwblazek
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There are parameters in Visualizer that will cause SuperStar to place specific props at specific locations on the grid.  If you look at this screen capture, you can see that I have placed every single prop exactly where I wanted it.  Note, that once you go down that rabbit hole, you are pretty well committed to using it for every prop and fixture.  Also note that there are settings for this both for each prop and also for each fixture and they will be interactive with each other.  You will tear some hair out until you have it figured out - and then it's pretty easy.



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