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Copy and paste a channel to another sequence?

Dan Ancona

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First year LOR user... since new to this game, I've been setting up 'test' files to get familar with the process. My question is am I able to take one or multiple channel's sequence from one file and copy to another? I may have stumbled on a line on one test file that I would like to use on the 'finished' sequence or do I have to redo in the new file? I am strickly animation, no music this year. Crawl - walk - run!

Second -- once a file is set up, is there a way to change the timing? If a file is originally set up for say 1 second intervals, can the whole thing be changed to say .5 second intervals?? Can only one section of the file have a time change?

I've been searching tutorials and must have missed these answers.



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In S2, you can copy and paste between sequences. Just open both.

Also in S2, create a new track with the timings you want, copy the channels into the new track. There probably is a much easier way to do this and I am sure someone will chime in.

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In case you missed it, you can also "Export" the channel configuration of your current animation and "Import" it into a new animation. It just exports and imports the channel configuration, not the sequence timings. Find it under "Edit" / "Export (or Import) Channel Configuration".

To change the timings for the entire sequence, you can try this.
Click "Edit" then "Select" then "All".
Then click "Edit" then "Timings" then "Subdivide Timings".
Now pick the number you want EACH timing cell divided into.
For instance... if your cells were 1 second each, dividing them into 2 will give you 0.5 second cells for the entire sequence.
Is that what you are looking for?

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Thanks, guys. I did try the subdivide timing and seemed to work ok. And also completed the copy / paste.

Undoubtably a silly question - terminology issues here still. What are you referring to when you say 'track"? Is that inserting a new channel within a sequence file? If so, are we able to delete the channel? I know the answers are buried somewhere... I've read so much is so many forums, I'm lost!


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