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LOR Mounting and Cord Accommodations

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Guest guest

I'd like to hear some ideas on where to mount a LOR controller box and how to manage all those extention cords. (32 possibly)

  1. I've considered temporarily mounting them to the house outside,
    but I am concerned about theft and weather

  2. Then there is mounting them in the garage. But how do I run the cords out. Under the garage door looks horrible. Cut a whole in the block wall?

This is an obvious investment that I want to protect as best as I can.

Ideas Welcome!

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Put them in waterproof boxes and put them in your yard. They will be fine. I law one on the back of my roof. The ones in the yard I have them mounted to 2x4's driven into the ground.

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Someone posted recently about making a hole in their garage wall to run the cords outside. They rigged it up with a pipe fitting in the hole so that they can put a cap on it when not in use.


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You want a hole? Go ahead! nothing special their you need a hammer a a bit. Our garage has a window so all cords (LOR communication, audio, few power lines, 4 max) are all going out the window. If you DO put a hole in the wall you might have trouble selling the house if you need to move. My second option if I DID REALLY want my controllers covered I would keep them in their weather proof box and set then in the craw space under the house, I can get a direct line to any side of the house and NO vandle would be stupid enough to craw unde the house at night with all of those creepy-crawey things under their!

--Daniel L

Edit:- I see you are in Florida, good luck finding your craw-space! :laughing:;)

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Actually a lot of older homes have crawl spaces in Florida. Mine does not as it is only 8 years old. Other homes are built on stilts so there is a BIG crawl space.:laughing:

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Guest guest

Ted! Drill a big 'ol hole next to your main panel.

Put a subpanel out side. and / or

Run a four conductor 10 gauge cord (with twist locks on the end) from the panel the the middle of your display. (that gives you two 20 amp feeds to a couple of (GFCI) outlets (in a box or plastic pail)

Just thinking out loud.

PS - Love your web site!


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