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Preview Muliple universes per String


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I want to be able to assign a string with 200 pixels to 2 separate universes on my matrix. As of now the only way I can see a way to do this is to do a custom matrix or custom prop and put all the pixels in by hand.. IS there no way to use the matrix option in the drop down instead?

Can we add something to a new update where you have the option to add multiple universes to 1 string of pixels? 


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Nothing special at all required - just do it.  As a test, I created a preview that had an arch with 250 pixels.  The start was universe 1, channel 1, and it ended at universe 2 channel 238 (I had let it assign 512 channels for the universe).  Then created a sequence using that preview, and opened a chunk of time with Insert SuperStar Effects.  I did it in SuperStar because it's easier to really know how many pixels are there.  Worked fine.  Only thing I did not do was test on some actual lights as I have none where I am.


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2 minutes ago, k6ccc said:

Nothing special at all required - just do it.  As a test, I created a preview that had an arch with 250 pixels.  The start was universe 1, channel 1, and it ended at universe 2 channel 238 (I had let it assign 512 channels for the universe).  Then created a sequence using that preview, and opened a chunk of time with Insert SuperStar Effects.  I did it in SuperStar because it's easier to really know how many pixels are there.  Worked fine.  Only thing I did not do was test on some actual lights as I have none where I am.


hey Jim, So when you put in a arch with 250 pixels it automatically knew to break that up into 2 universes? 


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So i may not have been understanding the carry over column.. Is the carry over column carrying over those extra channels to the next universe automatically? 

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Absolutely.  Nothing special required.  On my two matrixies, almost every row has split universes.


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3 minutes ago, JRB said:

So i may not have been understanding the carry over column.. Is the carry over column carrying over those extra channels to the next universe automatically? 



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OK awesome! So where does it tell you that it put those extra pixels on the next universe? I go to the string summary tab and it doesn't show the next universe just the carry over



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I agree that it is a little poorly worded.  It would be nice if it gave the end universe and channel as opposed to the "Carryover" - even though we "know" that it will carry over into the next universe (or the next several universes if it's really big).  As a test, I changed the start channel for my 250 pixel arch to become universe 1, channel 451 with 510 channels per universe.  It showed a carryover of 690 channels.  That means that the end channel was really Universe 3 channel 180.  I could confirm that by creating a single non-RGB bulb and assigning it to Universe 3 channel 180, and another one at Universe 3 channel 181.  Then look at the channel conflicts and the bulb on channel 180 is in conflict, but the bulb on channel 181 is not.


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