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Blade Spinner Effects


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Forum members gsmith37064 & dibblejr have both contacted me about how I made the spinning effect with the Blade Spinner prop. Since this effect was made with SS, I'll post this here.

I can make a walkthru video explaining the effect, I just want to verify this is the effect you both are looking for before I spend time on a tutorial. If not please clarify.


I think it's important to understand how this prop is constructed. It matters on how the effect is created and how it transitions thru the entire effect. Here is the thread of how I made the prop. Give it a look it. I originally made this prop in S4 with Vis files and adjusted with itsmebobo's Sharpen progam, both of the Vis files are included in this thread. Since then I have upgraded to S5 with no issues. there are some hints and tricks that can help.




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@default thanks so much for the info.

I will play around with this and see if I can manage to get something working on my spinner. This is a really neat effect and would love to see it live on mine.

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That's really cool. I especially like the semi-circular "loop" that is at the end of the spokes in the spinner. It enables you to have effects that go out an quickly loop around back towards the center. If a standard could be established for the spinner design then folks could share sequencing on them.

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This is a quick video of explaining how the Spiral effect was made. I also have included the .lee (SS Vis File) and a sample SS effects file. It might be easier to watch the video then experiment with an example.

Hope these help. If not, let me know.


Right Click, Save as

32 spoke prop sharpin.lee

blade spinner sprials.sup (Sample SS effects file)


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Hi Alan,

I can't seem to get the sup file downloaded properly, when I save it and try to open it in Superstar I get the error "Invalid File".



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My bad this the correct link for the  blade spinner sprials.sup (Sample SS effects file)

Right Click and choose "Save As" Some browsers will see this as a xml file and will save it as that.

The file is a xml file, but microsoft being ever so helpful knows want you really really want and will save it with a .xml extension. Try renaming as you choose the directoty to save it to. Or rename the file you downloaded to have a .sup extension.

The link above for the  32 spoke prop sharpin.lee is correct.

It also is a .xml file, Same thing Right Click "Save As" then change the extesion to .lee

Sorry for the issues.


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Thank you that worked.

I have setup groups for the spinner just like you did, 01 Blade Spinner SE Horz, 01 Blade Spinner SE Horz 1 and so on and I've tried to insert the Superstar effect into 01 Blade Spinner Se Horz and the others but cannot get the effect you have here.  What am I missing?


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It took me a few minutes to understand your question. I have changed my lpeprop around some and no longer have the 01 Blade Spinner SE Horz 1  or the 01 Blade Spinner SE Vert1 groups any longer. They still will work I just changed mine up a little. (I'm always experimenting with groups)

The group used to sequence in Superstar is labeled 01 Blade Spinner SS. You will need at least a 16CCR 800 pixels Superstar License.


Open a new animation with the Blade Spinner as the Preview, then save the file, then select an area of the grid in the 01 Blade Spinner SS group line and right click and select Insert SS Effect. This should open SS. Open the blade spinner sprials.sup (Sample SS effects file)   Adjust it to liking then close SS and it should bring it back into S5 Sequencer.

Hope this helps.


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Thank you Alan,

I was able to follow your instructions and change the LOR network to my setting.  When in Superstar, the visual is good, the actions are OK but when inserted into the Sequencer, and playback only 2 spoke works, so I don't get the spiral effect at all. Here are the setting for 01 Blade Spinner SS are they correct?


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I think you didn't select enough time in S5 for all the effects. I made a walkthru to show you how I do it, maybe this will help.

I also edited the SS .sup file, the new is posted below.

Right Click, Save As;

blade spinner sprials1.sup

Any problems, let me know.




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The video was helpful to show mw whats going on your side. 1 thing I notice is that you have a lot of cross hatching in your preview. The only way I can create this is to put "0" in the "Create Motion Effect Rows" when creating a sequence. Try adding at least 1 Motion Effect Row" when creating a sequence, it'll save you from haiving to add them later. See the video for a better explaination.

Also here is a .loredit sequence shown in the video, load that and see if the effects work on here.

Do you have Pro License for S5, and do you have a Superstar license for least a 16CCR 800 pixels?

Hope this helps.


Right Click- Save As

defaults spinner effects.loredit


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Thank Alan

I do have a Pro license and a 3000 pixels license for Superstar.  In the view settings I didn't have the condensed view chosen.  When I create a new animation, the default is 2 for the motion rows. 

When I open the file defaults spinner effects.loredit I get the following message

Number of files referenced by motion effects that cannot be found: 1
Go to Sequence > File References to fix these.

I click on OK and the file opens up.  I can see the the motion effect row with the superstar effect and it does the same thing as on my video when I choose to play.  What works, is the effects in the individual blades, that works fine.  I'm baffled that the superstar effect won't work (it shows that it works in superstar but not in the sequencer).  I do have a sequence that I used the motion effects on the different groups and holly cow is it ever neat what can be done with the same effect but different groups.  Do you think the network setting or other settings might be causing this issue?

Thanks for all your help.


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41 minutes ago, lanopie said:

Number of files referenced by motion effects that cannot be found: 1
Go to Sequence > File References to fix these.


The reason you get this error is because I forgot to include the .avi file that is created when SS creates an effect and it is imported into S5 Sequencer, my bad. I included in this post. Download it (remember the directory) then open the sequence with S5, goto File References and point the directory for this file to wherever you downloaded to. See the Gif below.

It is just as important that you can also create the SS file yourself using the movies above as a guide. Try that also with a new sequence.

Right Click - Save As






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Also, note that there is a bug in the sequencer in v5.3.14. The sequencer will only play the first prop in any group that was sequenced in superstar. The bug will be fixed in the next release.

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11 minutes ago, BrianBruderer said:

Also, note that there is a bug in the sequencer in v5.3.14. The sequencer will only play the first prop in any group that was sequenced in superstar. The bug will be fixed in the next release.

Ah maybe that whats going on also.

Thanks for that Brian.


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Thank you all for the help.  If I'm correct when I got in Superstar with the .loredit file you gave me,  I saw the effect you created and when I exited and went to the sequencer, i believe it created the .avi file.

As for what Brian mentioned, I will wait for the next release and take it from there.  I think we spent enough time on this for now.  I will keep on going with my programming for this coming Christmas.  I think this is the earliest I started programming.

Thanks again, Alan I will keep you posted when we get the next release.


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