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Wanting to get into the Singing Faces Fab


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First, I hope everyone had a great lighting season. We had some issues with channels staying dimly lit again this year but it only seemed when the weather was wet. Of course we had more rain than snow so that didn't help but we have a few ideas to do next year. Second, I would like to thank everyone who happened to send us sequences to use over the past few years. You are all amazing and make everything so much easier. 

Now onto the topic at hand. We have been talking with the neighbor of ours for the past year and he has agreed to let us use his house for part of our display as well. He is a great guy and a local police officer and we don't want to be shining a bunch of lights into his windows while he sleep or anything like that so we are thinking, since he has a full house front porch with a nice height railing, of getting into the singing faces. However, we currently don't have any sequences to use with the faces to make them "sing". So we are looking to all of you once again for any sequences that you would feel like sharing. Anything would be great and helpful. If you do chose to share with us, send the sequence to higleylights@hotmail.com Thank you all in advance and here's to a great off season!!!

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