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Full Video Coverage with Pixels


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I've seen some cool displays where people are clearly using videos on their Pixels. What I'm not sure about is how they are taking one video and having it integrate across their entire display.

Example: I have a house outline with smart pixels that uses 5 channels on my Pixcon16 controller. If I try to add a movie effect, I can only add it to one set at a time, and then copy and paste to the others. All this does is puts the exact same part of the video on all 5 channels.

How do I make it to where that one video is using my outline as, say the edges of a tv screen instead?

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2 hours ago, DocBrown86 said:

I have a house outline with smart pixels that uses 5 channels on my Pixcon16 controller.

First of all, that is five outputs or ports on your Pixcon 16 - NOT five channels.  Each string is many channels.

As for getting video onto your entire house, this is not something I have done, but you would need to get the entire house into one Motion Effects row and then use either SuperStar or Motion Effects to add the video.  Sorry, can't give details as I have never done that.


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I believe you will need to create a prop group that includes all of your house prop pixels into one group. Set the Arrangement to 'Use Preview' and provided that your Preview Design is scaled really close to the real thing, you will then be able to use the video over the prop group.

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The below thread should give you some insight to do what you are asking.

Hope this helps.



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