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Shows freeze


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I have a question that I hope someone can help me with.

I have several sequences that the lights freeze but the music will play

and will not move on to the next sequence  the lights just freeze.

I have several RGB sequences the smaller one play fine just a problem with the bigger shows.

Any one have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by tbuff23
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Take the old show and recopy paste into a new sequence. I have had two of them this year and that fixed them. I took videos. When I re did them I lessened the rows I copy pasted. 

Hope this helps you.


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Just now, tbuff23 said:


I am running 2 pixie 16 controllers at 500 one is a 16 channel mega tree and one is 9 channels for my roof outline.

Just rewrite the shows using smaller amounts of copy paste rows. On my new computer it writes fast so I wrote all AC controllers at once and my RGB props one at a time (all at once). After the slow freeze problems I wrote all AC props at once but cut my RGB props to 4 rows at a time saving between each copy/ paste. All work well.


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Just now, tbuff23 said:

Ok I will try that thanks,

You are welcome, not being an IT guy I don't know why but in my case it seemed as though the computer wrote the full rgb data so fast something went wrong.

I knew right away because I experienced and fixed it a couple years ago.

I really hope its your case.

I have a lot of pixies and a lot of AC controllers and a lot of networks. Unless you are running 100 node strings per network you should be good with your controllers. However if you are running 100 nodes per string you would be over the number. 

One more thing, I am hoping you have the red adapter. If not and after copy paste again , that may be your culprit.


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1 hour ago, tbuff23 said:


I have a couple of 100 node strings and I am running a black adapter.

Pixie16 and the 8 requires the red high speed adapter. Yes, for testing and shows a black adapter "may" work however the only way to be sure nothing will go wrong is to have the red HS adapter.

The manual used to say "required".  During beta testing and helping other I found that the black adapter would work with small sequences and for testing but at show time it is too late to discover it doesn't work as most have found.

Its in my video and tutorial at the top of the General Hardware forums. I have started  and discussed this in threads about it stating the same.

So you have one of two problems or a combination. Sequence typed bad is now going on my low list. Its more than likely the adapter. 99.9%

Also, depending on what "a couple" is you could require an additional network meaning you should get 2 red adapters.



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