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Lights Get Stuck / Flicker


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I only recently got all my lights put up, however there are three of them that often get stuck in the middle of a sequence whilst programming. There is also another CCR that occasionally starts to flash rapidly during a sequence. Is there a way to fix this?

Edited by Zoltan
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I'm having the same issues;  curious to your setup.... Can you provide the following:


My hardware: uMP3g3 miniDirector-> CTB16PC 1 -> CTB16PC 2 -> CTB16PC 3 -> CTB16PC 4 -> CTB004 6 -> Pixie8

My Software: LOR-5.3.12.

My Sequences: The SD card is created from HUB with ELOR/500K/LockStep/MP3 headers stripped. All MP3 audio files are 128 Kbp CBR

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24 minutes ago, Dwain Andras said:

My hardware: uMP3g3 miniDirector-> CTB16PC 1 -> CTB16PC 2 -> CTB16PC 3 -> CTB16PC 4 -> CTB004 6 -> Pixie8

How many pixels are in use on the Pixie8?


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Sorry.... I was jumping around forums and my earlier post was accidentally replied in this thread.  My issue is not with pixels.

Edited by Dwain Andras
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