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Trouble Converting S5 Preview to Show


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I have two 16 Channel Controllers, Pixie16, and 8 Channel Floods. I've successfully created (with the help from a lot of you on here - thank you!) four musical sequences and one animation sequence. They all successfully play in Preview and when hooked up to the Controllers. The trouble comes when trying to make a Show. Ultimately I want to create a Show on an SD card and plug it in my Director (uMP3g3). 

I've tried two ways to add a Show to the SD card: 

1) S5 -> Create Playback File (makes LMS file) ->  Simple Show Builder  -> Pick LMS file -> Write to Card -> Error (attached picture 1)

2) S5 -> Create Playback File (makes LMS file) -> HU LOR MP3 -> Add Sequence (LMS file) -> Create Show -> Selected SD Card ->  Show 1 -> Click Box that SD Card is for New Gen and Selected Number of Ports (I'm not sure what number to put so I put 1?)-> Leave the Box Checked to Strip MP3 Header Info -> Create SD Card -> then it freezes when making the show (attached picture 2)

Pls help as it's not very fun having to run back to the computer (with wires running out my front door and all) to play one of the sequences I made ;) 



IMG_7846 (2).jpg

IMG_7847 (2).jpg

Edited by Mitbackwards
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Try the hub, I know we had this discussion on the phone and I can’t remember the outcome.

For my mini ran Tune To sign the HUB solved my non computerized memory issues.

It created the card quick


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Thx JR. Every time I try to open the HUB I get a run time error 5003. Unless it's my only way to create the show, I think the HUB issue will be for another day post this season...

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