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Aloha everyone! I've had multicolor RGB strips on my house (in the soffits) for some time now as an experiment. I'm ready to move on and get into the pixel game. I'm going to replace what I have on my house as a starter and wanted to know what you think I need to start. A little background: I leave them on all year round on white from dusk to dawn. During holidays I have a remote control that will do different things and I set the lights how I like for each occasion. 4th of July would be a red section, white section and a blue section. Christmas would be on flashing of all colors. I'm limited as to what I can do.

I was looking to replace the LED strips I have with the Black Cosmic Color Ribbon.

Can I cut the ribbon to fit as I'll need three sections of varying lengths (approx 22ft, 8ft, 14ft for a total of 44ft)?

Can I connect all three together and run on one channel or would it be better to run each on it's own channel and address each light for each channel?

How white is the white on the color ribbon?

I'd like to run the Gen3 mini Director Card with MP3 Player and I'll be getting a FM Transmitter later as it's not needed now. What else do I need to get to start at a minimum I can always get more controllers and expand everything later, I'm just talking about running what it listed above. Mahalo in advance for any feedback!

EDIT: I forgot to add I use a photocell to trigger the lights off and on.

Edited by Kingman
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