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22LOR controllers. Added alpha pix controller no lights out of alpha pix

Johnsons family christmas

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I have 22 lor controllers and decided to get a alpha pix controller for pixel tree. E31 connection and controller will ping and no pack loses. On board test will turn on lights but get nothing from bought sequences from LOR. Port listening on 2811. 5586 opens all dmx ports but no lights. Any help would be appreciated. Ordered pixie 16 to replace it but would like to make it work if possible. Thanks 

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Your Network Preferences is not correct.  On your DMX tab, the universes that you are using should have the protocol set to E1.31 (5568), and the Comm Listener port set to 8837 as shown below.  The IP address normally should be the IP of your AlphaPix controller.



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E1.31 can be sent either as Unicast (specifically sent to one IP address) or Multicast (broadcast to anything on that broadcast domain).  Either one will work, although most networking people will think terrible thoughts if you use multicast.  Both the sender (LOR in this case) and the receiver (the AlphaPix in your case) must be set the same way.  I don't know much about the AlphaPix controllers.  My screen capture above is showing Unicast.  Make sure you are using the same format at both ends.


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Is the prop(megatree) defined to the right channels and universes? You mentioned you bought a sequence, I can't imagine you can buy a sequence and it instantly works with your setup, something would need to be edited, no 2 setups are ever the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Make sure that in the Alpha set up (ping Alpha IP address) ports 1 through 16 are the same universes as set up in your LOR network advance setting. with my Alpha I had to change the Alpha universe setting to 101 through 116 to match my LOR advance setting but I'm also running 3 other LOR PexCon16 in E131 so unv 1 through 100 are taken

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