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Number of songs in a show?


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32 songs here, I was thinking about using Miip but does anyone have an issue with the same song being played over and over? I just don't want my viewers to have to sit through the same song if a group keeps playing one or two songs all the time.

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There are controls in the program to prevent repeated votes. You can even adjust the repeat interval and even how often people can vote

Its much safer than your average voting machine.

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Damn......I feel like need to add some.....I have 7, and a short intro.   Just loops.   I have changed them out over the 6 years I have been doing this.  I actually get some people that say the songs are too long, and they get tired of waiting through a whole song for the next.  Haven't really decided if I am going to consider that criticism.

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I have 28 songs...14 by Trans-Siberian Orchestra, & 14 by various artists.  I loop them continuously from 4:30 pm - midnight every night starting on Thanksgiving night until tear-down in January.

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I've got 23 Christmas songs that get split up into 3 shows that run from now until Christmas.  The shows alternate nights (show 1 on Sun, Wed, Sat, 2 on Mon, Thurs, and 3 on Tues, Fri) and then are also split up into an early segment (5-7pm with songs geared more towards kids) and a regular segment (7-10pm).  Sounds complex, but it helps to keep the music from getting too stale.

After Christmas, I have 16 pop/rock songs that I play nightly (think Lady Gaga, Rihanna, etc.).  I figure by this point we've all had enough Christmas music and it's fun to do something else.

During the day my radio station plays a random selection of Holiday music from 7am to 5pm.

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We usually have 7 songs and they loop the whole time during show hours. We run 6-9:30 Sun - Thursday then 6-10 on Friday and Saturday. I feel this gives viewers enough songs to watch and then when they hear/see a repeat they will move on unless they really love something and want to wait longer. Even though I have a good amount of viewing space I don't want several cars staying for long periods of time.

Hope this helps.


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13 songs and 5 announcements (Merry Christmas, Welcome to the show, How to use MIIP, Be nice to my neighbors, and the webpage).  I use MIIP.


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I usually play 10-12 but tonight and yesterday just 5, I made a couple changes and need to edit the other sequences and then ill play 10-12 again, different songs depending if a weekday or weekend, example I add baby shark and frozen for weekends and remove them on weekdays.



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