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its one thing after another I need help please


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Ok so I am trying to get this up and running, BUT I keep getting an error that says  Port is already in use by Light-O-Rama\LORCommListener.exe. I cannot end it.  I close out of it, and it just starts right back up, I shut down and restarted my computer, I unplugged from computer and this LOR COMM listener.exe will not stop running!  I cannot close the LOR control panel either. I changed ports, but its still picking it up on that same port. Can someone assist?


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If you just want to stop it, in the windows system tray, look for a red light icon for LOR.   Right click and select unload LightOrama and the control panel will stop.  But it does need to be running if you want to control the show from your computer.


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so tell me how do I run my show when I cant run anything with this port open and if I close control panel the port listener does close, but as you said I cant run shows without control panel

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Verify all the adapters in your network preferences are connected.   I have noticed in the past everything would seem to freeze up when any were not present.

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To run the show from a computer, the LOR control panel needs to be running and it will start the Comm Listener.  If the show is enabled, the LOR light bulb in the system tray will be blue as shown below in the yellow square:


If the show is disabled, the LOR light bulb will be red as shown below (the yellow arrow):


Yes, those two screen captures were done on different computers.  The green on was on my show computer which is running my landscape lighting show, and the red one is on this computer that is used for sequencing (and normally has no need to have the control panel running - I started it in order to take the screen capture).

What do you mean that you can't run anything with the comm listener open?


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My light bulb is red, and I cannot enable schedule, its greyed out (not clickable) and I get this error .  see screen shots below


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If you are trying to use the Hardware Utility, you (in most cases) need the control panel off.  So exit the control panel (which will shut down the comm listener).  If you are trying to run a show, exit the Hardware Utility first.


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I am trying to tell you that I have NOTHING running. I am not running the utility or anything else, the only thing that is on is the LOR control panel and that Comm port listener that keeps giving me the errors I posted above

I am going to try to reinstall


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5 hours ago, phxbabe said:

I am trying to tell you that I have NOTHING running. I am not running the utility or anything else, the only thing that is on is the LOR control panel and that Comm port listener that keeps giving me the errors I posted above

I am going to try to reinstall


The Listener is running in a 'console' window (some say 'DOS Window'), and is black (your first post. which looks good)

Your second post (IS NOT the Comm Listener)  , the second image is saying HU is attempting to run.  That can't happen with a show scheduled (bulb is blue)

Check WHAT shows are in the schedule (schedule Editor) and what is in each show (Show Editor)

Run the LOR Network Configuration FROM THE START MENU  (no red bulb /control panel). Do the settings look valid/normal?  (reinstall does NOT change any settings, so a bad one could persist)

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ok you were right, reinstalling changed nothing.  Its telling me that "shows cannot be enabled because the comm port is already open. If the utility hardware is running, shut it down then enable shows."   Well, as far as I can see, Utility Hardware is NOT running anywhere.  My control panel indicator light is BLUE, the enable schedule tab is greyed out (cannot click it). I click on "disable shows immediately" and nothing happens.  LightORama status says "connected to COMM Listener" .  When I run network config, it now looks way different then before I reinstalled.  I tried to add the picture here but it says I cant.  I will post picture in the next post below.


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The file upload limit on this forum is quite small.  What most of us do is upload to a website somewhere, and post the link.  You can use just about anything that allows you to upload a photo.  For example, Google Drive, Dropbox, any number of photo sharing websites, or if your ISP provides some webspace with your account (most do), you can put it there.  In my case, I own my own web server, so the photo of my favorite ride below is actually coming from my web server.  Yes, I was in the back seat on a routine patrol flight shortly after I took the photo.



Your earlier screen captures showed Com6.  First of all, are you SURE that Com6 is the correct comm port.  For a "typical" home PC, that seems rather high, but certainly possible.  Best way to tell for sure is to open the Windows Device Manager and expand the section for Ports (COM & LPT).  Note which Com ports exist.  Unplug the USB adapter and one of them will go away.  Note which one it is.  Plug the USB adapter back in and the comm port that had gone away, should come back.  That absolutely confirms your comm port number.  Then open the LOR Network Preferences and make sure you are assigning that com port number to your LOR network (presumably the Regular Network).  This is mine a while ago:



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To summarize.

You appear to me to have a com port error. 

Control panel must be running (light bulb in sys tray) When control panel is running the com listener will run. It will restart if closed.

if the light bulb is red, Shows are disabled. If a schedule is enabled, the light bulb will be blue. A show on demand will be orange.

To disable the control panel. right click on Unload LOR. Comm listener will close also, but you won't be able to control lights.

Only ONE thing can use the comm ports at a time. Sequencer, or Show player or Hardware Utility. 

There is an issue with your com ports

Either the com port number has changed, or you have it assigned wrong, or if you are using E1.31 over ethernet an  ip address is wrong.

LOR seems to be expecting com 6. What does Device manager say. 

You also seem to have a third party usb/dmx adaptor in there somewhere.

We don't know what you are trying to connect and what ports and settings you are using. 

Start from the top. Check the network prefs, the com port assignments and the sequence editor configuration. for consistent values.

I don't know how many controllers you are using but you might want to power them all off, then bring them back one at a time. 

By the way, the attachment storage on the forums is tiny. You might want to post pics using Google photos or something.

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Like Jim and Phil have said you are only allocted a small amount of space for pics and pictures help a lot in troubleshooting.

If you are in a hurry and don't want to setup some other way to transfer pictures, I will pm you my email and you can send to to me and I'll host them and put a link here in the thread for everyone to see.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I should have updated the status on this issue.  I was never able to fix it.  I had to move to a different computer, now I have completely different issues.  I posted looking for help under the heading "nothing is working correctly"

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28 minutes ago, phxbabe said:

I guess I should have updated the status on this issue.  I was never able to fix it.  I had to move to a different computer, now I have completely different issues.  I posted looking for help under the heading "nothing is working correctly"

Sorry I can't offer any real help with S4, it has been so long since I used it.

My offer still applies with hosting and posting pics. If you take some snaps of your setup I can post them here, maybe some one will see an issue.

To take screen captures (using win 10) Press the Start Button once, then start typing "snipping tool" (there will be no where to type, just start typing) you will see a link to the "snipping tool" app pop up, run it and take your snapshots.

You have my email, send them and I will post them in your other thread.

Hope this helps.


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