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Yup ! that was my first year, this is my third year. I now make a mixed drink , I call it the LOR ELIXER .  One martini glass, two olives, Vodka and I put the bottle of vermouth next it for about a min.   It steadies my nerves while I try and figure out why channel 8 on controller ID 2 filckers while dimming .

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone 

David Lynn Hardin

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The guy on the bottom was every person in the Northern Mid-West for the last two days while we listened to the winds whip buy our props.

@DLH lites, how far is your place from the airport? Maybe my uber will pass by when I fly into FLL a week from tomorrow on my way to Miami!

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My first season was actually a breeze.  4 x 16 channel controller starter pack, a handful of purchased sequences, and a few trips to Home Depot, over the 4 months before my first "lights on" night.   It all went like clockwork.  Not a snag to be had.  Now, 6 years later, 20 gazillion RGB channels added 3 days before "lights on",  lights that aren't new anymore failing,  and a long list of sequences that need updating that haven't been touched all year, and a shortage of  cables of every kind........and I am the guy on the bottom.  I have regressed as I have progressed.   The difference, I guess, is that now I can figure everything out in a shorter time, but the stress seems a lot higher with each passing year.


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First seasons aren't bad as long as you give yourself enough time. It's the new people coming in now, downloading S5 and trying to run pixels. Some times you just have to wash your hands of them and say sorry, see you next year.

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MICHRX7, we are six miles from the airport , right off I 95 Just three blocks south of Commercial BLVD   not far, we are first house on  our street, if ya can and need address pm me would be great !


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