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Can't Reopen/Edit Superstar effects in S5 Sequence


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I created a few Superstar effects in a song.  Saved them to the S5 sequence. (Default Name)

I can't reopen the existing Superstar data when I reopen the S5 sequence.

It shows correctly in S5.  However I want to make changes, but Superstar opens with a blank slate??

I tried to directly open the Superstar files and they are blank?

Is it a problem with saving the Superstar files???

Thanks for any help.

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In the S5 Sequencer interface if you want to edit something you double click on it. So to edit the sequencing you have done double click on the white bar and superstar will open with the data in it.

But you are not the first one to not be able to figure that out. In the next release the Sequencer will pop up a message if you do a single click on the white bar. The message advises you that you will erase the currently saved data and if you want to edit the data you should do a double click on the data.

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So... I erased the existing data when I single clicked?  Makes sense.  I will try it with the next effect I create.


What is the best settings for the selection matrix!  "Select Effect", "Create", "On", Superstar"... it seems when I click there is no simple "Select Only"... DON'T DO ANY OF THE CRITERIAS ON RIGHT!

Thanks again!

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One way to do it is to click on "Select" and choose "rows"

Then click on "Create" and choose "superstar" for the Type.

Then when you do a single click on a motion effect row it will select the whole row and automatically launch superstar. But realize that if there is already data there then a single click will overwrite the data. So you still want to do a double click to edit the data.

What a lot of people do is when they are in superstar they click on the File menu and choose "save as" and save the data as a .sup file as backup so that if they accidentally do a single click in the Sequencer and erase the data then they can open up the .sup file after superstar launches

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Great. So if you "Save as" for backup, S5 still imports what it needs.  I was afraid that was my problem, so I stopped renaming files.

Thanks for your help.  Show kicks off Saturday and just tweaking the kick-off sequence!

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