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Export to Sequence Editor


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Hi Everyone,

Here is my issue. I have my built sequence and want to add my mega tree and my arches in to my sequence. I open superstar with the 16 ccr tree and export to sequence editor. No issue at this point. I open sequence editor and I see at the bottom the SS Props with the 16 ccr tree and start. So no I go back to SuperStar and repeat the same setup except I pick my ccr arches. Now when I open the main sequence I only see the arches and lost the tree and star.  Two questions at this point:

How do I remove the SS Props from sequence edit so I can start over.

How to import my Mega tree and the arches into sequence editor together.




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It sounds like you are using S4 and you are exporting the sequence as intensity data.

The Sequence Editor only supports one intensity data file from superstar. But for that reason there is a "merge intensity data files" feature in superstar. Do the following:

1) launch superstar and open the sequence to your first prop

2) Export as intensity data but choose "add intensity data to new sequence" and give it a name that identifies it as the first prop

3) open the sequence to your second prop

4) Export as intensity data but choose "add intensity data to new sequence" and give it a name that identifies it as the  second prop

5) click on the File menu and select "Merge Intensity Data Files" select the files you just created and "Add Merged files to existing Sequence"

This will overwrite what is there with the merged intensity data file

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