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For some reason I have several groups that are what I would call "double-nested." There is a group and when I open it, there are no group names, just another group to open. I would like to remove the groups, but there is no "ungroup" option when I right click on any of the groups. Any ideas, anyone?

Attached is a screen shot.  You can see the double minus signs by the side of several of the groups.


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The show all items grid view is system generated, and you can't do much to it apart from change the order. 

I am assuming you upgraded your sequences from S4, so if you have not yet made any changes in S5, you could clean them up in S4 then re import them.

You might be able to remove the props from preview, and recreate them, but I guess you might lose programming.

The last option, and probably easiest and safest, is just to ignore the show all view and create your own grid views much like tracks and groups was in S4. In fact your S4 tracks should have come over if you had them, and they should be in the grid list.

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Thanks for your help.  Yes, they were upgraded from S4.  I have made way too many changes to go back to S4 and clean them up.  I guess I'll just have to live with it.  I appreciate your response.

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Maybe I'm not understanding correctly, but if you double click the group in S5 it brings up the grouping box.  Just uncheck components you don't want.  In your case I think you want 1 group, just not the second.    



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a similar issue after upgrading my seqeunces to S5. My (9) 3-color trees are now oraganized and grouped by tree (9 groups). I much preferred in S4 when it was organized in 3 groups by color, rather than the 9 groups by tree. Can't figure out how to reorganize that.

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Is this a grid view, or show all items view.

The show all group is system generated and can't be changed much.

Grid view groups should be able to be ordered how you like. 

All my tracks came over as grid groups, but you can create a new view however you like.

Once you get your grid view how you want it, export it, so you can apply it to other sequences.

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Thanks for taking the time to respond Phil. Now that I am in "Track 1" instead of "Show All Items" things are moving around a lot better. Still learning S5 as you can see, but so far it is running smoothly. 

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