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Combine Sequences from SS and PE?


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I created a bunch of sequences in PE last year and would like to run with new SS sequences I will have this year when I add a 16x50 Megatree.  Can you merge intensity files from PE with intensity files from SS in SE?

Thanks for your help LOR experts!

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The S4 Sequence Editor supports playing one intensity data file from SS and one from SE and it will play them at the same time, BUT, they have to be controlling different props.  For example, you could have the SE intensity data control the 16x50 megatree and have the SS intensity data file control any other lights you have, but if they both try to control the same lights they will interfere with each other and the lights will probably just flicker.

Note that even if one of the intensity data files just sends "all off" it will interfere with the other intensity data file. 

Note that in S5 you can mix and match and overlay motion effects and superstar effects and they do not interfere with each other.

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