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picture animation


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Can anyone explain how to make a picture move around the screen?   Or is there a tutorial out there (cant seem to find anything other then basic SS)

Have a pixelated death star i would like to have move across the screen (for starters)


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Find it as a gif would be your easiest way. Import the gif segments into SS. You have to do a little work but it has gotten a whole lot easier within the last two years. Find the smallest low res gif you can. I normally type in whatever I am searching for like : red car mini gif and see whats out there. "mini gif" being key.


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There is no tutorial on moving an image around the screen. But there is some information in the help files and there is also PDF of a PowerPoint presentation on doing animations. Go to the lightorama main page, click on "Support" then click on "Tutorials and PDFs"  Scroll down to the bottom and you should see a link that says "SuperStar Matrix Animation"

Also, if you email me at brian@superstarlights.com I can arrange to remote into your computer and show you how it done.

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