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Overide Channel Conflict?


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Is there a way to override a channel conflict?  Here's what I'm trying to do.  Using my matrix, I'm recreating my singing faces trees, and to make sequencing easier, I want to create each mouth as a prop.  I created each mouth using Custom Design and assigned each pixel the correct Address as it sits on my matrix, but it won't play just gives me the error.  In S4 the work around I did was to create each mouth in a group in SE, and use a Picture option in PE for the tree outlines.  I haven't found a workaround in S5 other than to delete the matrix from the preview, or tell the matrix to use "Same Channel as (mouth)" , which in turn takes the Matrix out of the list of props, but in some parts of song, I want to use the matrix for other effects.

Here's a video of what I did a couple years ago in S4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlK1VyrwVik


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