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file extension


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Hi All, Frustrated here...


Just put up the RGB Pixel Tree and technically it all works.  I spent 4 hours creating a 5 min sequence to play on the tree with a loop.  the problem is when i go to save it to a sd card for the Gen3 MiniDirector,  it does not find the file extension.  The sequence auto saves as a ".loredit" and does not give me another option.  Even directly connected to the controller and playing that sequence from the "LORHardware" screen,  it does not find it.  i am so lost and confused and pissed that i cant figure this out.  Since everything was bought from LOR, shouldnt this be more "Plug-n-Play"?  What am I missing...


Thanks in Advance...

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As Don stated, S5 DOES NOT create native LMS files as prior versions did. S5 does things in a completely different way, and you need to create a playback list from your .loredit files so the Mini Director will understand and know what to do with them.  The PE/SE sequencer will use them, but won't work as a show file.

  None of the Directors or even using a computer will understand the .loredit file extension for a show file, computer or SD Card in a director requires a playback list be created to run a show.

It's why a lot of us are still using S4, because S5 has a huge learning curve to understand how it works.   I'm still reading up on it myself, as I'm thinking of possibly moving up to S5 at a later time, but I want to read the manuals fully on it, and then install it after the season to see if it'll work for me.

Edited by Orville
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Thank you for the advice in direction...i tried that this morning and another error popped up.  Something to do with my template, or an effect not permitted.  I'll have to screen shot it later this evening as I ran out of time before work.

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This message keeps popping up.  I imported the prop definition from LOR and also created a simple sequence but still get this message.  also, not when i start a new sequence, i do not get an option to insert a motion effect.

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You need to set you LOR network to Enhanced mode.  You have Motion Effects in the sequence which requires use of Enhanced networking.


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I get that but not sure how...i need do some research on the S5 program.  Is there a "S5 for Dummies" book out there?  Lol. With the holidays very near,  been busy and havent had as much time to "play" with it.

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