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Hardware Utility only recognizes one port


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Hello, I had originally posted this in the pixel editor and think this might be a better question to ask here. 

I completed my sequence editor and pixel editor with my songs and saved to intensity files. When I try and build the show through the Hardware Utility I start to create the show and I choose the GP3 director and select 2 ports. When it goes through the process it has port 1 regular network and allows me to make changes if I need to (I leave it alone with 56.7 k speed). As I click next it says card is ready to be made but it shows port 2 as none and it doesn’t give me any option to change it. 

I hooked up my unit 1 (LOR standard controller) to the HU and it selects comm3 port and recognizes it. When I hook up my pixie controller it recognizes the unit 7 correctly but also selects comm 3 and doesn’t allow me to change it or select another port in the drop down menu of the comm port area. 

The two notices I get are Port in Use - this serial port (comm 3) is in use by another process (perhaps the comm listener) The HU can tell the Comm Listener to stop using the port, but this would cause your shows to be unable to control the lights on the port (until the hardware Utility stops uszing the port). Would you like the HU to tell the Comm Listener to stop using the port?

I select yes for this and a new box pops up. 

Port control requested - the HU has asked the Comm Listener to stop using the port. Click “refresh” for the HU to try the port again. 

I click ok and refresh and get the issues above. I tried to attach pics but was not able to due to size limit. Please help and thank you!

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