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Interactive buttons


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Hello everyone. I hope you all had a great thanksgiving this past Thursday! I debuted my show thanksgiving night. It is running smoothly so far. I got an InputPup from light o rama about 3 weeks ago and have been experimenting with it. I now have an idea of what I would like to do with it. I built a stand out of pallets and put a piece of plywood on top and stained it. I then put five 60mm colored arcade buttons on the piece of plywood to make my show interactive. I got all of the 12V lines to light the buttons up and got the buttons wired up to the InputPup. Now what I'd like to do is mainly for kids to mess around with. I have 5 buttons total at the moment and would like them to be assigned to an animation sequence containing certain channels in my display when they are pushed. I have already set this up in the Show Editor and it works fine without my show running. I would like my show to run at it's scheduled time and then when someone comes and pushes a button, the show stops at it's current place and the lights switch over to interactive mode. After someone is done messing with the interactive section (maybe after a 15 second delay), I would like the show to return to the place it stopped at. Is this possible to do? I know I explained it more that I needed to, but I wanted to show everything that I wanted to do. 

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VERY carefully read the section of the help for Interactive groups.  After you have read them a couple more times, it will start to sink in.

You can't do exactly what you are asking, but you may be able to come close.

I have been using interactive sequences for a half dozen years as part of my year round landscape lighting.  On the steps to the front porch, there are RGB dumb strips on the underside of the bull-nosed brick.  There is a magnetic switch on the front door, and two IR light beams that "guard" access to the steps.  When the door is opened or either light beam is triggered, an interactive sequence starts that ramps the lights on the steps up from fairly dim to full bright for 45 seconds.   The two gray electrical boxes that have a black center are one end of each of the IR light beams (the other end is behind the camera).



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Thanks Jim! I will have to check out some of the other posts about the InputPup. I appreciate your time. Maybe Ill catch you on the air some day!

73, de KC3LMP

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