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The "Hobbyist" version could be considered the 'do it yourself' version of LOR, while the "Showtime" version could be considered 'plug and play.'

The Showtime version comes with everything you need to get started. The LOR Board, an enclosure, and power cords. The Hobbyist version comes only with the LOR board. You have to mount the LOR board into an enclosure, and hook up power cords to the board.

The hobbyist version lets you customize the enclosure and power cords to your needs. You would need to provide your own enclosure, and your own extension cords, and install them yourself. If you have a basic understanding of electricity, and some free time, the hobbyist version can save you money over the showtime versions.

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It's really not that hard at all. I have a basic understanding of electricity, and was able to complete my hobbyist versions with no troubles.

I went slow, and double, triple and quadruple checked myself. I built them at least a month before I needed them so I would feel no pressure to get them done quickly, and possible ruin the board, or myself.

The hardest part, at least in my opinion, is finding the enclosure that you are going to use. I have four of them (in places I'd rather not name.) that I took a few extra precautions on. Granted, the enclosures I used are supposedly resistant to weather, I don't want to take chances. (More information than you wanted, I'm sure.)

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