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Can't play show - "application not found" errors


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Verifier is reporting 18 "application not found" eros - I can't play my show tonight. I've completely removed and replaced the LOR software, both 5.20 and 5.22 - same result. I've rebuilt the show - same result. And this is on several computers.

Pic attached - please help right away - I've got a huge show and can't play it!


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I did not see a Error Message "application not found" in the list of Verfier Error Messages. Try this to look up exactly what the error message number is.


*Edit* DevMike did say the other day that Verifer is not up to speed in S5, but this might give you a clue to your issue.



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According to devmike, the verifier is not yet updated entirely to be accurate with S5. The app errors are false. 

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So... several sequences skipped? that's it ? or is there more.

As far as the sequences skipped, the Control Panel will tell what the problem is. ie. can't find music, missing file, etc... Left Click the Red light bulb in the System tray by the clock, it wil open a Commands Box. what are the errors in there?



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You can also use the Sequence Compressor to compress the sequences in your show. If you have a lot of traditional channels (150+) on LOR networks that are not enhanced, this can help. If everything in your display is enhanced LOR and/or E1.31, then this step won't make any difference.


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