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CCB/CCR will not work in Show


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After months of creating sequences,  and my preview seemed fine for my CCBs but when I finally connected them today they will not light.   I talked to LOR but the Tech did not know S5 at all.   He did confirm that my firmware was fine, as are my network settings.     The hardware utility testing appears to be working fine.

    What I'm wondering is if my issue stems from how I defined the prop.  I could not figure out to group my motion effect rows using the pre-defined prop, so that I could  use the instant sequencer function in SS for all the CCBs at once.    So Instead of defining the prop as 'predefined LOR device' CCB I used the simple basic 2 segment lines of 50 pixels.  

    has anyone else defined their CCB/CCR prop using something other than the LOR Device => Cosmic Color Bulb / Ribbon?  

   Or any ideas what the issue(s) might be?   

Thank you,


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I am having the same issue. My songs work in sequence editor but they will not work on the hub/ simple show builder, or schedule editor. 

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I am not using S5 but out on a limb here........

Did you create the play files in Sequencer, before you created the show?

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I guess I should have given more information.   Yes, I did create the playfiles, created a show, and am using the on-demand to test.   I'll know more today if other props are not running; but I suspect they'll be fine; especially after talking with the LOR tech.  Just the CCBs I think are going to be issue.     My gut tells me they have a different handshake/protocol and hence why the special prop definition (CCBs have extra channels for effects).  The LOR Tech said it should work defining it as I did but emphasized he did not know S5

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I did not define my CCPs as Cosmic Color Devices when I created my S5 Preview.  They were defined as “Arches” that happen to have 50 pixels each.  Unless you are using the Macro channels, there is ZERO need to define them.  I have never added the macro channels all the way back to 2014 when I built my arches.


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9 hours ago, scubanimal said:

    What I'm wondering is if my issue stems from how I defined the prop.  I could not figure out to group my motion effect rows using the pre-defined prop, so that I could  use the instant sequencer function in SS for all the CCBs at once.    So Instead of defining the prop as 'predefined LOR device' CCB I used the simple basic 2 segment lines of 50 pixels.  

    has anyone else defined their CCB/CCR prop using something other than the LOR Device => Cosmic Color Bulb / Ribbon? 

Yes, the prop doesn't care as long as Unit ID, Network and Start Circuit are correct. What does matter is placement of the start pixels

This is one of those issues where it is easier to see, then rely on back and forth text postings. I will PM you my email, if you want create a New Animation (no music) and send me the .loredit file.  This file will contain all I need to see.



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50 minutes ago, scubanimal said:

I guess I should have given more information.

Always, it's the best way to get help. Lack of info from you, means guessing on our part, much like you telling me why my truck won't start which by the way has the correct tire pressure. :P


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Jim, thank you it is a relief to know I won't have to redo all my sequences.

Alan, thank you very much, as my current loredit file is way too big to send I'll create one as you suggested and send it in a few minutes. 

Thank you very much, this gives me hope there is a quick solution!!   THANK YOU!!!


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    I emailed the file roughly 11am PST, though my computer was acting up a bit this morning, so I'm not 100% sure the email went out properly.

thank you again!!!


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Got the file. Which prop(s) are the ones we are dealing with? You have 86 Mater props. It would help immensely if you could narrow down the props with CCB's instead of me going through them one at time.


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I'm sorry Alan, DOLT!!!!     Its just the rooflines.   There are three of them.   Upper, east & west.  they are grouped, as well as individual.  Its the only line that has any data on it. 

I'm sorry!!! 

   Thank you!!!


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Yup, I found them. Seems you have an Invalid Unit ID # on one of the props.

This is interesting because I would think Preview Design would have a check to only accept valid Unit ID numbers as this typo was not easy to spot.

Anyways, change this and let me know if it cured the issue, if not we will look into further.



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Alan,  Wow, I think that when I was I tried to use the CCB device and renamed it.  But I will for sure reset that back to #5 and retest it again to be sure that is not the issue.  Thank you very much for taking the time to try to help me !!!


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1 hour ago, scubanimal said:

Its the only line that has any data on it.

Just as an FYI, your effects entered on this channel were an .AVI. That file didn't get sent. That's why I had a problem figuring out what prop had an issue. No need for the file now. I should have specifed that the effect in Animation sequence should be something stock like bars, wave.etc... Not a big deal.

It is very intersting looking over someone elses Preview files, it's detective work to sort it all out. 🤔

Hopefully changing the prop Unit ID will resolve the issue.


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Alan (and everyone)!

I too am having almost the same issue. My 8 windows running CCR's (powered by two Pixies 4) wont fire during my display. I followed almost ever step verbatim but no joy. I've confirmed that its a configuration error but I don't know where.  My 16 and 4 channel CTB work perfect. I also do not receive any conflicts within S5 Pro "Prop Define" window.

I upgraded to S5 in June and started learning but am still behind the curve. I Had everything backed up but my backup was corrupted, then my SSD crashed so I lost everything!

What screenshots do you need in order to help troubleshot this issue?


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Firstly out of fairness to scubanimal, please start another thread that way we can keep the 2 issues seperate.

Having said that, I will PM you my email address. Create a New Animation sequence, put some effects on the problem props (not avi's or pictures) and send it to me, I'll look it over for you.



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 Resolved..... though not what I expected. 

    The unit ID was not the issue though did need to be put back to the right number.      When I was testing I walked thru each of the settings including the network settings.   After the CCB failed again, I re-walked again thru the settings and finally found the issue.   Turns out I had forgot to check that little box for the "Enhanced LOR Network".   I had heard that S5 only works on "enhanced" networks

That was it,  must check that "Enhanced" box for all S5 networks


Thank you again Alan for taking the time looking for my error that was really awesome of you!!!!!!!!!!!  

 On to the next issue.....   when using one of my other CCBs to test this issue,   it will not work in the hardware utility,  comes back "unknown device"   even though the computer is attached to the internet........   I think I have to get a file from LOR on this one.....






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56 minutes ago, scubanimal said:


Yay! 👏 That's what we were after.

1 hour ago, scubanimal said:

 On to the next issue.....   when using one of my other CCBs to test this issue,   it will not work in the hardware utility,  comes back "unknown device"   even though the computer is attached to the internet........   I think I have to get a file from LOR on this one.....

Don't worry to much about the device not showing up in HU. (It happens) To test if the controller is setup right, create an Preview with the strings in question, save it as Test Controller(whatever) CCB Strings.

Open an Animation Sequence using that Preview and add some effects. If the strings light, you're good! This is the best way to know the controller will run the lights, by actually testing the controller / lights in a sequence.

Glad it's working for you, Have a good Show.


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Alan,  you were right ( again ),  I just hooked the CCBs and they are all working correctly now.   

 Thank you very much !!!!    

 I have a new issue... but I'll start a new thread as others may have a similar concern.   

  Lessons learned from this issue...........   remember to be sure on S5  to be sure to check the "Enhanced LOR network" box for you network.      By the way it worked fine on my old 16ch controllers as well as my newer G3s. 

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