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Do you always have to name each channel and select color every time you make a new sequence? Or can you make a template. 

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2 minutes ago, ~DOC~ said:

Do you always have to name each channel and select color every time you make a new sequence? Or can you make a template. 

in SE: (menu) Edit: Export/Import Channel configuration: Export: <name file>

When you start a NEW sequence, just Import that file (It will stomp anything that was there, so don't do this on a sequenced file)

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Just to expand on TheDucks, I usually leave this for k6ccc and dibblejr as my typing sucks.

Once you have one sequence completely finished the way you like you can export the channel config. This saves the channels as a file on your computer. When you start a new sequence you import that saved channel config file and it will set your new sequence up just like your previous one. If you have any other completed sequences you can also import the saved channel config file in to those sequences as well.

When you make a change to a sequence, always add new channels to the bottom, you export and save that channel config and import it into all your other sequences and all will have the new channels.

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4 minutes ago, ~DOC~ said:

Ugh is there a video for this?

It's not that difficult, I promise. Follow what TheDucks had to say, and worry about Mr. P.'s comments once you go to add channels in the future.

[Edit: And now I see you figured it out.]

Edited by Don
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And think to the future on naming your channels. As this hobby continues to suck you in further, your channel count grows. As Mr. P said, good practice is to add new channels at the bottom. But what you name channels is important too. Meaning, don't be long winded, but don't be too short either. You are working with 32 channels this year. You start naming your not so mega tree with names like tree 1, tree 2, tree 3 - this will cause you to have to start renaming everything next year, as you will most likely get so many great comments this year that you at least double your channel count next year. That's just how deep this will bite you... So name your not so mega tree channels something like mega tree 01, mega tree 02, etc...

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Also you can have SE load that channel config automatically for you so you don't have to "Import" it for every new Sequence.  I have A lot of different channel configs, Christmas, Halloween, 1 Channel Off Hours Halloween Music, 1 Channel Off Hours Christmas Music, etc.

Open SE, go to Edit tab and click on it, go to Musical Preferences and a pop up will show up.  See screen capture below.  Click on the box just past the box that states: "Use a saved channel configuration template" {it's the box with the 3 dots in it}

Locate your channel config file you created, click on it and it should be inserted into the long rectangular box {again see screen capture below}, you'll see my channel config in there.  You can also set other options in there, select what you prefer and then click on the box next to "Save as defaults".

Do not check the box "Do not ask me this again".  If you do when you create a NEW sequence the pop up won't open again, unless you go back into Musical Preferences again, I prefer it to always pop up due to I may opt to work on other types Sequences, Halloween, etc.  See 2nd Screen Capture of a New Sequence with everything already having been set to the default channel config file.  You DO NOT need to select "Save as default" again, EXCEPT if you're working on a different Holiday or type of Sequence, like my 1 channel versions for Off Hours music, then you'd check it if those were the only type sequences you were working on and you'd load that particular channel config file for those type sequences.  {Hope this makes some sense to you}.

This way when it pops up, you can always change the channel config to the Holiday or type sequence you're working on as a constant.

Hope the images below help you understand this better in how it works.


Channel Config Default.JPG

The above is set up in Musical Preferences under the Edit tab at the top of the SE Screen.

The lower one is how it opens when you create a NEW sequence using the above defaults, if the song contains info, it will be added automatically in the appropriate boxes.

Also the ~ character I used in the channel config filename when I created it, it was not something Windows added or did, that was done on purpose and used as a separator instead of blank spaces.

After Saving Channel Config and Creating a New Sequence.JPG

Edited by Orville
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