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Suggestion For Next Version of LOR


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Well, I hope this post is in the right spot as there is no category for LOR III and LOR II is what it is.

A great tool for the next version would be a "pause" button on both the sequence editor main screen as well as the animation window.

The play and stop buttons on the animation window were a huge improvement, but it would be nice to have a pause button if you have your play range set to full sequence.

Many times I will be watching in full sequence and have to pause to answer the phone or respond to my wifes numerous requests as to why I am still on the computer, and then I have to start all over.

This may be something that is already in the works and is just a suggestion. Thanks much for all the improvements that you continue to make.

Neil "Light Engineer" Monkman

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I'm with you Neil. The space bar works pretty well as a pause mechanism, but only if you start playing the sequence from the editor screen in the first place. I'd like to have a pause capability from the animation screen too.


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JR V wrote:


You do know that you can set it to only play what you see on screen? That way you only have to go over segments of the song at a time and not the entire song.

OH yes! But what I am talking about is when you are trying to watch the entire sequence to check for any glitches or misses and you have to stop for one reason or another. In that case when you click the stop button, you have to start back from the beginning.

However, Gene is telling me that hitting the space bar pauses the sequence, which I was not aware of. I was going to check it real fast, but I forgot that I have not upgraded to LOR II out here in the garage.

Let me do that real quick and then I will let you know.

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Okay, uhhhhhhhhhh:shock:


The space bar does pause it regardless of whether you are playing full sequence or visible screen.

Well, the only dumb question is the one you never ask, right?

Thanks for the help!

Neil "Light Engineer" Monkman

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The spacebar worked on my PC in the garage, but not on the PC in the house. Is this something you have to enable?


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Were you trying to play the sequence from the animation screen or from the sequence editor screen. The spacebar doesn't work to start and stop from the animation screen.


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Hmmmm, then I am going to have to revert back to my original stance.

Dear LOR:

Can we please, pretty please, with sugar on top and rasberries, whip cream, nuts and sprinkles and pineapple and blue berries, and hot fudge and caramel have a pause button?

J/K, but it would be nice to have.

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If you have the animation window open. You have to make sure your computer is focused on the sequence editor window for the space bar to work.

You need to click on the sequence editor window after opening the animation. The animation will still stay on top of the sequence editor, but it will no longer be the selected window.

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  • 2 months later...

You saved me monkman I was in desperate need of some Halloween sequences, that I down loaded from your site. thanks again.

Paul C.

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The tapper wizard is another place we need both a pause function, and a way to start somewhere besides the beginning. I've wanted that since 1.0.0 ;)


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