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Hardware 2.0.16 Problem


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I have loaded 2.0.16 on a new dell notebook running XP Pro. Whenever I click I try to set up the comm port, clicking either auto or manual causes the program to immediately quit. I downloaded a dell program to reset drivers and that didn't help. Any thoughts?


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Do you have any comm ports on the computer? You can check by going to your (Windows) Control Panel, then "System", then "Hardware", then "Device Manager", then "Ports (COM & LPT)". Is anything listed in there? If so, what? Do any of them have a little red "X" through their icons?

Just to be clear, we're talking about the Hardware Utility, right?

And when you say "clicking either auto or manual causes the program to immediately quit", I want to be sure I understand what you're talking about:

For "auto", you mean when you click on the "Auto Configure" button, it quits, right?

For "manual", the "Manual Select" dropdown box... but do you really mean as soon as you click on the dropdown box? Or perhaps do you mean as soon as you select one of the items from the dropdown box?

What (if anything) shows up in the Manual Select box before you click on anything?

If it doesn't crash until you actually select something from that box, what happens when you click on it (but before you select something from it)? Typically, a list of choices would appear. Does one? If so, what's on that list?


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Yes, talking about hardware utility.

No comm Ports are x’ed out in device manager. I have several listed, including "Communications Port (Com1)" and several “BT Port (Com6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13++). I have no idea where all the BT Ports come into play. As an aside, my older dell used Com4 for LOR, not sure how that ever got set up that way. This machine doesn't show a Com4.

When I click on either ‘auto’ or ‘the manual drop down button’ the software quits.

The manual drop down box is showing com1 prior to any clicking. When you click on it, you can see a list dropping down quickly before the program stops.
I appreciate any help you can give me.

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What are all those "BT Ports"? Bluetooth?

What happens if you disable them? Right-click on each of them, and select "Disable" from the popup menu. After all are disabled, try the Hardware Utility again.

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Also, maybe I'm not understanding: Is Com 1 not the port that you want to use?

If it is, and it's already selected, you should be able to use the HWU without modifying anything in the "Setup Comm Port" section.

If it's not, what port do you want to use? One of the "BT" ports? Or is there some other port listed that you didn't explicitly mention?


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Disabling all the BT ports allows the utility to function. I don't really use the Blue Tooth function and will have to do some digging about those, but that solves the problem for right now....although I am at work and don't actually have hardware attached to confirm the connection... that will be for tonight.



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  • 3 years later...

I am having a problem with com ports:

I have a com port open and assigned to LOR (com 3) and everything works fine there.

I have now added an EDM transmitter with RDS capability. I can't get the computer to open another com port for the RDS to connect. The device manager doesn't even show that there are any other com ports at all. Are there any computer gurus out there who can help me?


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