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Some Elements are too bright


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Does anyone have any tricks for turning down the brightness of certain elements in your displays. I have these really cool stars from holiday coro. But they are way to bright when they all turn on. I have never used an intensity file before. I thought about adding a layer of coro onto of them to defuse the light, but I am not sure whats the best method. Any input is greatly appreciated. 

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25 minutes ago, racerc20 said:

just try dropping the intensity of the foreground or select the pieces and drop it 25% at a time

He's using intensity files, so that's not an option.  How are you generating the intensity files (SuperStar or Pixel Editor)?


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11 hours ago, k6ccc said:

He's using intensity files, so that's not an option.  How are you generating the intensity files (SuperStar or Pixel Editor)?


I am not currently using intensity files. I could if that is a good option, but I don't know how, only that they exist. I use the sequence editor for everything, the stars are dumb (sorry I should've mentioned that earlier).


8 hours ago, BMurray said:

Some controllers allow the option of setting the intensity on the hardware side. What controller do you have?

The start controller is a 27 ch dumb DMX from holiday coro, they do not have intensity settings. I know my alphapix does, but it is completely separate from the stars. 


With dropping the intensity in the foreground, does that effect the entire sequence, or can it be setup to only effect particular channels ?


Thank you everyone for your help !!

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4 minutes ago, bbass101 said:

I am not currently using intensity files. I could if that is a good option, but I don't know how, only that they exist. I use the sequence editor for everything, the stars are dumb (sorry I should've mentioned that earlier).

Sorry, I understood your first statement that you were using intensity files.

Since you are sequencing in SE, follow racerc20's advise in the 2nd post.  That's how to do it.


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15 hours ago, bbass101 said:

Does anyone have any tricks for turning down the brightness of certain elements in your displays. I have these really cool stars from holiday coro. But they are way to bright when they all turn on. I have never used an intensity file before. I thought about adding a layer of coro onto of them to defuse the light, but I am not sure whats the best method. Any input is greatly appreciated. 

What controller are you using? If it's a sandevice, the new firmware has the option to dim the pixels by output. I run all my pixels at 50%, and they are still plenty bright. I assume you are running pixels here, as I don't know what star options HC has.


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