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Beat Wizard Error


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I've finished up a couple of sequences. Now today I come in to start a new sequence and when I load the music into the musical sequence and tell it to use the beat wizard I get the following popup error...

Beat Wizard Error -> Could not Open File

The Beat Wizard window appears with a light gray box over the center of it that says "Idle" and then an additional popup window with the Error message

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Don't everybody jump up at once :D

turns out it was an error with the song itself. while there was no trouble loading the wmv into the sequence editor, for some reason the beat wizard just didn't like it. converted the file and up and running now

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"turns out it was an error with the song itself. while there was no trouble loading the wmv into the sequence editor, for some reason the beat wizard just didn't like it. converted the file and up and running now"

If you still have it, could you please send me a copy of the unmodified version of the file - i.e. the way it was when it didn't work?


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