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need a sequence for my pixle tree


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Hi all

I am so frustrated with this pixel tree we purchased. It was plug and play but that is the furthest thing from the truth. Can anyone help me with some sequences for my new pixel tree seems you cant just purchase them. I have lor pro and I cant figure out how to make my own with the pixel editor.

We have just added this to our 150,000 light show this year and we opened last weekend and the new pixel tree sat there in the dark. everyone keept asking was it broke alredy

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It is far to late in the season to learn how to sequence in PE however we have plenty of pixel tree sequence for Christmas to share.

Don't be frustrated with the tree, it's not the trees fault and does nobody any good but gets your stress level up.

More info would be great

1) What tree kit did you purchase (controller type)?

2) What other controllers are you using?

3) How many networks?

Its not magic, you have to set the tree up. I'm not sure what you use(d) to control your 150,000 lights but controllers need to be configured to your system and a sequence needs to be used to light the tree.

You can have all the sequences in the world but if the tree is not configured properly in your system, you will not have any lights.



Edited by dibblejr
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We have the 6'6" pixel tree with a pixie 8 controler 16 strips of 25 pixels in 8 channels. This is a stand alone show at the enterance to the main event barn and will have its own laptop. The rest of the boxes are daisy changed together in four other shows around the farm on four seperate computers. Plus we have a 30' mega tree that has 5 boxes of its own and its own computer. We have no problem with any of the other lor products just the pixel which we jist added this year to try. Our owner wanted to see one before he purchased more for next year's show.  So hopefully we can get this up and running asap because i would love to see us add the other 5 trees next year. Currently we have purchased all of our sequences and the mega tree we purchased from another light show that went out of business and came with its own sequences. Thank you so much for the help we appreciate it. We are just a bunch of farmers and we do this every year as a family event for our community as a way to give back kind of like a giant christmas card and we give free wagon rides through the light shows and displays.

Thanks again for all the help


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Oh i forgot to mention the tree is set up plugged in and ready to go that was the easy part. We just have a software issue and lack of sequences. We were running advanced and we upgraded this week to pro for the pixel part. The computers are all updated and running under the new license.

Thanks again


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This should be a good read for you. I started that thread because of the timing and my schedule. I have spent a lot of time on the phone getting people up and running with their new pixie controllers.

Also there are no sequences for LOR's new tree 8X50 so you will need a SS license in order to convert (takes 5-10 seconds) to convert once you have a 16X50 ccr tree sequence. The difficult part is getting your pixie configured into your network/ channel config. 

I have shared a converted tree sequence with another member, unfortunately he/she never posted in their thread to inform us how the sequence actually looks on the actual prop. Since I do not have the 8X25 tree I have no other way of viewing outside of SS animator so there is no telling.

Its raining at the moment so I am currently sequencing, if you PM me a tel # I will be more than willing to call you to set up your tree and share a converted sequence with you. I have a sequence Veterans Hallelujah that the mp3 is a free artist shared song and already have the converted tree sequence. Hopefully if I assist you you will share with others if the conversion tool within SS works for the new LOR tree.



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wow...I did not know  you can do this.   Is this S5 or S4?  Can it convert 16 to 12,  and/or  12 to 16?   Is it only for CCR,  or will it convert  DMX too?

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27 minutes ago, Dcroc said:

wow...I did not know  you can do this.   Is this S5 or S4?  Can it convert 16 to 12,  and/or  12 to 16?   Is it only for CCR,  or will it convert  DMX too?


It gives the options of reducing or enlarging and really does a IMO great job. My friend Don did say that some of the images are not centered but that is something I can either over look or use the same tool and move the effects up ur down. (someday I need to remember to tell Don about that feature) LOL

It solved a lot of problems for those of us with 12ccr sequences and have 16ccr trees. Did I mention how fast it works.

My great friend James told me yesterday that the newest .26 version also keeps the settings of your images while populating into SS. Where as before you had to set every slice of every gif.

Brian is really taking care of all the requests within SS.


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20 minutes ago, pastorpaulciucci@aol.com said:

We have s4 pro what is ss license


Also what version license software? 4......

Prob take 15 minutes or less to get your tree operation but that's based on your pace. As long as it continues to rain I am free.


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1 minute ago, Dennis Laff said:

Your the Superstar  JR  on Help !

Not tryin to be a SS just trying to help, its what I had a lot of starting out so I have been paying it forward.


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Okay when i get home from work today i will head out to the farm and purchase superstar and load it into the computer and will let you know when i have that part completed. Thanks again for all the guys your generosity is amazing


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38 minutes ago, Dcroc said:

wow...I did not know  you can do this.   Is this S5 or S4?  Can it convert 16 to 12,  and/or  12 to 16?   Is it only for CCR,  or will it convert  DMX too?

Just in case it can help

Open SuperStar

Open your sequence

Select "edit"

Select "all" or whatever part of the sequence you are trying to convert, typically the entire sequence if you are going from 12 to 16 strands for example.

Now you will see your entire sequence encased by a border

Now open "tools"

"Move or scale selected effects"

The top half of the new pop up box is filled out, only change those if you are working with a specific event

Move down to the lower area and select "scale"

Fill out the "from and to" sizes. Pixels in Height and width

Select "OK" in a blink of the eye its done.

To view the new size


"layout" and set the ccr's needed. and you will now be able to view it.


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Just now, pastorpaulciucci@aol.com said:

Okay when i get home from work today i will head out to the farm and purchase superstar and load it into the computer and will let you know when i have that part completed. Thanks again for all the guys your generosity is amazing


You wont need the SS license yet. If you want me to help lets see how the converted sequence looks first (on your actual tree). I hate to see you waste your $ if it doesn't look good.


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Since you didn't answer what version of software you have. 

For the pixie series you need to have at least 4.3.18 the pixies were not out until after that so HU does not recognize them. I am sticking with 4.3.18 due to my computers having fits with .24


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2 minutes ago, pastorpaulciucci@aol.com said:

I think when we updated the computers to pro this week it said 5.0

I cant help you with 5.0. Hopefully if we talk you can fumble through it and navigate your way around. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there anyoneon right now that might be able to help walk me through this . i have the updated pro software completed a sequence in pixel and hooked computer to the pixel tree and i can light up the tree through the hardware console bit will not play the sequence

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