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Configure CCB


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Anyone know how to configure CCB units so that the applied effects display in correct order.  Meaning if I use a wipe from left to right of house, and there are 7 CCB units outlining the house, I would want the effect to display properly.  Currently, it’s all over the place.

Each CCB currently has its own Unit ID.  There are 2 string on each with 50 bulbs.  Does it have something to do with the starting position option listed in prop configuration?

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I'm using 7 different CCB controllers, with 50 bulbs on each of the 2 strings per controller, to outline my house.  All CCB controllers have been assigned unique ID numbers.  I'm trying to get the effect I see in the visualizer in pixel editor to match the actual display on the house.  For example, when I do a while from left to right, it appears to play correct in PE.  But when played on Gen3 Director, the wipe is all over the place.  It's like the CCB controllers are not configured properly.  What is the correct way to configure these in PE so that the wipe can flow from left to right?  I have all the controller grouped as one line when adding the effect so the software knows what to include in the wipe.

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Define "All Over The Place"

If it's simply a case of the chase on the second string starting at the wrong end, then yes, you need to flip the second string around. This can be done in the SE when you create CCB, or in the Hardware Utility with the CCB connected.

*Assuming S4 and below.

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"All Over The Place" - The chase is off.  Some units start from left side of house, others from right, top and bottom.

So best way to correct this would be to take it one string at a time and set the start position in Pixel Editor?  How would I flip the second string around?


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Got it!

Used Hardware Utility to reverse specific strings according to house outline.  Looks a lot better.  Thanks for the tip.

Still wondering what “starting position” refers to in Pixel Editor when configuring a CCB unit??

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