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Hardware Utility Sees 3 Older Controllers - Doesn't Know What the 4th New One Is


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2 years ago, I bought a brand new PRO Series Addon LOR1602Wg3 to add on to my existing system of 3 controllers - and just opened the box a week or so ago.  Would like to get it running as I have a few channels on my old controllers that are blown and need repair this off season.  The new style has the LED display and I set it to controller 4.  I fire up the hardware utility and it sees the controller set for unit 4 but says unknown????

Is my software too old to recognize the newer controller?  My shows go live tomorrow so the thought of upgrading or swapping out the old software for new doesn't excite me.  Not to mention its currently on a computer running Windows Vista (but not connected to the internet since it's EOL).

Thoughts?  Am I not setting this new style box up correctly?

Edited by levelbest
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Not likely an issue.  Until recently I was running my show on XP.  You didn't say what version of LOR software you are using, although unless it's really old, that should not be an issue.


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That old a software version with a Gen 3 controller could be the problem.  That software came out years before anyone thought about Gen 3 controllers.


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