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Using Tracks and confused

Jay Czerwinski

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I have been using LOR for a very long time but never used tracks.

This year I made a complicated star with RGB pixels and the order of the pixels as wired were done to save wire and not in a shape order at all.

So my thinking was to make a track below and identify the pixel numbers that make straight lines - e.g  Side 1, Side 2, Side 3, etc.

After I did this for track 2 with straight lines, I saw an opportunity to do pixels that are in circles.  So I made a track 3 with Circle 1, Circle 2, etc....

Now I would think that if I turn on a pixel in any track, it should also be turned on in the other tracks, but that is not happening.

I'm lost and will keep searching for videos and other posts, but I thought I would post here in parallel and see if anyone knows where my flaw is....

Thank you in advance!   Jay

Edited by Jay Czerwinski
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Sounds like you created a new channel in a new track, instead of copying the channel.

The SE assigns a value to every channel. Just because you give it the same human readable name, doesn't mean the computer will give it the same ID. In fact, it won't. Ever.


I haven't updated that in years, but should still be valid for all LOR versions S4 and lower.

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SUPER fast reply Don and thank you - I suspected as much.   I think in the mix, I was making new channels instead of copying - and now I am also probably sending dual and conflicting commands to the same channel to make things even more confusing.   Wow.....   Back to the SE for a lot of editing......  

Thanks again,


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Without looking at the sequences ...

Sounds like you *should* be able to create a new channel config (master track) then define your working tracks. A copy of events from one sequence to the other should result in things being placed where had them in the original. Might be some mixups here and there, but shouldn't be too long of a process.

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I've found putting the channels I want to copy in a group speeds up the process greatly instead of doing them one-by-one.

I usually go back to the main track and delete the group(s) to keep things in their original state.

Edited by basis21b
Clean up main track comment added.
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Two options...

Right click track header and duplicate.
Group channels you want to copy to the new track together, then copy the entire group. Degroup them (both master and working) and re-arrange in working track.

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Thanks again and sorry for so many questions

Do they need to be ungrouped in the master?  I have groups and sub groups now.

Can i rename them in the master after the copy?

Can I rename them in the copies after the copy from the Master?

I am assuming that if I rearrange them in the copy track 2, that then I can also group them as I wish in the copy track 2?

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The theory behind a master track is that you have just the channels there. Don't try any grouping, or anything unless it's the default group when you create the channel.

Renaming is okay. Don't worry to much about it.

I memory serves and @George Simmons might be able to help here, you can copy a channel from track 2 over to track 3 with no issues. Any real issues you would have would be the next year when you add to your sequence. If the master track is still there, then the other channels wouldn't matter. Just make sure you COPY channels, never move them to new tracks.

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I have had success!  Thank you.  It's working now. - two separate tracks in different configurations than the original track 1.  Works like a charm now!!

Interesting thing I learned - If you copy to another track and leave it exactly the same, changing the copy also changes the original - even when locked channels!   So, I grouped channels in the #1 main and copied them to #2.   If I change the name of Group #2 or move any of the channels, it does the same in #1.  And visa-versa.     If I degroup either #1 or #2, then the connection is broken permanently.  I can regroup them the exact same way and even call it the same group name, but the link is broken and the parallel channel name/order/grouping changes will not happen.  (keep in mind I am only talking about the channel name/order connection.  The sequence info stays in connected as long as it is a copy from the original and not done by creating new channels from scratch with the same unit/channel ID)

So the DEGROUP immediately after making a COPY to the new track is essential.

Thank you again!   Jay

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