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Converting a set of channel RGB channels from sequence editor to pixel editor


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We have a sequence YCM (you can modify) sequence that we purchased from LOR.  It has RGB channels that are sequenced by SE.  We have props that we want to map the channels onto that are sequenced by Pixel Editor.  I've been searching the forums and Internet in general but couldn't find anything.  I thought the migration tool in the PE would do it but that isn't doing anything for me.  I'm about to download the S5 beta to see if that is the answer.


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The PE migration tool is for converting a channel level sequence on pixels in SE to an equivalent sequence in the Pixel Editor. Channels have to match when you do this (unit id and circuit #).

An easy way to do this for a purchased sequence is to import the standard Visualizer file into a Pixel Editor (or S5) preview. The Vis file is available here:


The S5 Sequencer may make your conversion process easier, but the user interface is different from S4 and takes some time to learn.


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Still no joy with S4.  Here is what I did:

  1. Downloaded the referenced visualizations: LOR-TypicalHouse-C68P32-1280-RevA
  2. Opened PE
  3. Created a new preview by saying import from visualizer and use the file I downloaded
  4. Opened the original purchased sequence in PE
  5. Assigned it the preview that was created in step 3
  6. Go to sequences/migration tool/import from Sequence Editor
  7. It shows me no props could be imported.  Trying to run import any results in no props.

FWIW I have Pro S4 license.

The quick look at S5 looks promising but it's my wife who does the primary sequencing so I don't know if the learning curve makes it easier.



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