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ELL Question

Tim Benson

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So I'm taking over a few more houses this year and need to go wireless to jump the street.

Does the ELL have 2 RJ45 jacks that allow the network cable to daisy chain
through the ELL ? The diagrams I see only show the ELL at the beginning or end
of a Chain.

For example:

(house 1) PC----- Controller1-----controller2-----ELL-----controller3

(house 2) Controller4-----ELL-----Controller5

Can I do this ?


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Tim, nice idea, but.......

the ELL's do not have a pass through jack. They are used as a transmitter (end of chain) or receiver (begining of chain)

It would be nice though. You might want to look at the Network Repeater while it's on sale. It might help with your installation.

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Well, dang William :)

I had forgotten about that other jack.

So I went to dig out my ELL's, removed my mounting brackets, unscrewed and removed the bottom cover, and ....son-of-a-gun, there is an extra jack!

Hmmm, the manual doesn't mention using it as a pass through, would it work?

Any official word from LOR on this? Would be great if it would work as a pass through, allowing the ELL to be inline just like a controller.

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Here I go replying to my own post !

This diagram: http://www.lightorama.com/LOR_Industrial.html

Seems to indicate that what I want to do will work.
I am also looking into the range extender/splitter. Sometimes you just
can't wire all the controllers up in a straight line. Especially when it's
3 houses and 15 controllers !


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Tim Benson wrote:

Sometimes you just can't wire all the controllers up in a straight line. Especially when it's 3 houses and 15 controllers !


I have that problem with one house!:)

I hadn't seen the document you linked to before. Thanks.

Looks like it just might work. I may have to try it, might be be next weekend before I have a chance though.
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Although it is most common to put an ELL at the end of a daisy chain, it can be in the middle. Do not put more than one ELL in the same daisy chain unless you have them set to different channels.

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  • 1 month later...

Just Got The ELL's. They are Awesome ! The work just fine in the center of the chain
and the range looks pretty good. I will attemp to test them across the street tonight.
I am really exited about expanding the display this year. Have 3 houses... working on 1 more :(


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One other consideration is that these work at 900mhz. Like to older cordless phones. If you have the hardware available to you now, you might want to run a test. 900mhz is not going to travel too far, and works best with line of site.

John may still have the suggestion that will help, and that is the repeater. I am not sure how well those work with the ELL's

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I used the ELL to control lights across the street with no problems at all.
They were 120' apart through 2 garage walls. I had a couple of songs that were pretty fast and didn't have any delays.


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Thanks for the input Guys. I only need to go about 80 feet to cross the street and I know my 900 Mhz phone
does that with no problems because I've used it in my neighbors house ! I'm going to test it this weekend, but
I'm sure it will be fine. Both transievers will be in the garage attics behind vinyl siding.


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