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Just ordered my iDMX1000, now, I have a question. Since the iDMX1000 currently handles only 100 intensities, when the programming is changed to handle the full universe, will any sequences that I do now have to be changed in the future? For example, if I program a moving yolk using the 100 intensities, will I have to change the sequence when the 256 intensities become available?

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I dont believe so

You are programming in % - that should stay%

I believe the plan is to have the ability to change to decimal settings to have better control of DMX items

As for a full universe - 512 controllable channels, should not affect your programing unless...

I use multiple iDMX units - I'm afraid of overlap and getting conflicting DMX commands to the fixtures. We will see what happens when the upgrade is implemented

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Dr. Jones is correct. All channels today are % intensity channels. There will be a future option to set channels to DMX and have 255 intensities but the iDMX1000 will handle both types.

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