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Can't Delete RGB Channels in Channel Configuration...


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I keep getting error "component channels cannot be removed from RGB channels" when trying to delete my ribbon matrix from the sequence editor.  Can anyone help with this?


Thanks in advance.


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You posted this in the SuperStar section of the forum, but channel configurations are not created in SuperStar.  However your question appears to be about Sequence Editor, so I'm going to assume you are talking about an issue in SE.

What are you trying to accomplish and how did you get to that point?  If you have RGB channels, you can't delete only one or two of the component colors of that RGB channel, but doing a little playing, I could not create a situation where I even had the option of select a component for deletion.


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5 hours ago, k6ccc said:

What are you trying to accomplish and how did you get to that point?  If you have RGB channels, you can't delete only one or two of the component colors of that RGB channel, but doing a little playing, I could not create a situation where I even had the option of select a component for deletion.


It's pretty simple to reproduce:
1) New sequence, add at least one RGB channel
2) Tools-> Channel Configuration
3) Attempt to delete the RGB channel by deleting its components*
4) Say Yes to the "Are you sure" dialog
5) See the error mentioned in the original post.

* The Channel Config is not smart about groups are RGB channels. There is no way to delete an RGB channel from the Channel Config dialog, at least in S3 which I'm still using. This seems to be a major omission. But in the meantime you can only delete RGB channels by right clicking on them in the main SE window. And that can be really tiresome.

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6 minutes ago, Tim Fischer said:

But in the meantime you can only delete RGB channels by right clicking on them in the main SE window. And that can be really tiresome

Real easy solution for either RGB or non-RGB channels (at least when they are adjacent).  Create a group with all the channels that you want to delete.  Then delete the group.

I had never even tried to delete channels from the Channel Config.  Just did to see what you were talking about.  Seems like a hard way to do it to me.


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