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So, I am growing VERY... VERY... VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYY frustrated with these freaking "Johnson Arches" I have. (Nothing against the Johnson Family, their show is great!) Anyway, so I built these 4 arches for last year, and they worked GREAT all season. (Aside from some minor flickering that was due to a cable run that was too long. But we fixed that for this season.) So, we have these 4 arches across the front of the yard, and they won't work!!! Well, at least not they way they are suppose too. :angry:

And here's the problem. So the arches are lined up like so:

Arch 2 ------ Arch 1------- Arch 3 --------- Arch 4 

(Long story on why they are laid out like that.) But the cables attache for arches 1, and 2 at the right side of arch 1. And the cables for arches 3 and 4 attach on the left side of arch 3. (Where the bold and underlining is at.) Same way they were set up all season last year, and worked great. 

So, this year I run into this problem:


^ Arches 2 and 1

V Arches 3 and 4



So, as you can see, the first half of the (first two in each sequence) doesn't light up. It's like they aren't receiving the signal or something. . .


This ONLY happens when running a show. When you press the buttons on the controller to put it into "test mode" they turn out just fine:

All of their settings in the PE are just the way they are suppose to be, and just the way they were last year. I don't understand what is going on,  and I have tried everything I can think of to fix it, and I have come up with nothing!!!

PLEASE HELP!!! These arches are about to get thrown into the middle of the road I'm so frustrated with them!!! :angry:

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Don't blame the Johnson Arches. It may be an operator error. LOL

Double check everything. Running good in test mode is a good thing.

BTW, just in case, what street you live on. :D:ph34r:

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Usually if they run in test mode but not in the sequence then it is a channel config issue. Double check the channel config and then go in and check the actual sequence and ensure you didn't accidentally delete something. I can't tell you how many times during sequencing I accidentally deleted something or added something and didn't realize it until I ran the show and then it was "Hey, I didn't tell it to do that!".

Edited by Mr. P
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Mr. P beat me to it.  Almost certainly a channel configuration difference the actual lights and your sequencing.  My six arches are fed left and right as well, so it certainly is possible to do it that way.  I do my sequencing in SuperStar and not PE, so I may not be the best to help you with PE.  With that said, what are the pixels, how are you driving them (controller), and how are you sequencing them (both programs and version)?


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My 2 cents is to test directly from PE (Tools > Control Lights). That will save a step or two in the testing and debugging process.

Also, Tools > Manage Previews, select preview, and click the Info button. Are there any warnings shown in the upper right section? And along the same lines, test a sequence using the LOR Verifier and look for channel conflicts.


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Thanks for all the feedback everyone. 

Though I thought I had tried everything, I'm sure there is something off some where in the PE/Settings. I checked the previewer, and all the channel assignments... Guess I need to check them again tonight. Maybe a bit more carefully. I'll go through them with a fine tooth comb this time! :)

Glad to know once I find the problem it should be an easy fix. Here I was thinking I was about to have to start replacing even MORE pixels strips! :huh:

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Don’t limit yourself to checking the preview.  Check the pixel controllers as well.  The preview needs to match reality, and the pixel controllers are reality.


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Dude....this weekly posting of problem issues is starting to stress me out.....LOL!  I can't remember someone having this many issues in one season.  What did you do to get the Christmas lighting gods all pee-ode at you?  Please.....please let his problems go away and everything workie!  A little prayer for ya.

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On 11/10/2017 at 12:24 PM, B.Y.R.G. said:

Dude....this weekly posting of problem issues is starting to stress me out.....LOL!  I can't remember someone having this many issues in one season.  What did you do to get the Christmas lighting gods all pee-ode at you?  Please.....please let his problems go away and everything workie!  A little prayer for ya.

I have NEVER had as many problems as I have had this year... I just figured it was a "normal part of the hobby." Glad to know that it's shouldn't always be like this!! Thankfully things have started looking up!! The show is almost ready... just need to fix some more of the pixels that went out as we were testing yesterday. :huh:

Not sure who I pee-ode... But I'm sorry!! Who ever you are, where ever you are!! Stop hating me, and stop punishing me!! :lol:

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Cool glad to hear things are looking up and your show is almost ready. :D  Recorded a couple of songs from my show this weekend with the cell phone while "testing".  Not high quality but will record with better equipment and dub in the music once the show is up and running daily after Thanksgiving.  Post up a video when it's fully running and you get the chance.

Edited by B.Y.R.G.
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