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how to cut out section of sequence and shift remaining to the left?


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I have a sequence that I want to take out the first 1 or 2 minutes.  What is the easiest way to do that?

I can shorten the back end, by reducing the total time of the sequence, but don't know of a good way to cut out a section from the front (and shift the remaining to the left).




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Just highlight the section you want to remove and cut, delete or turn off. As far as shifting the rest of the sequence you will need to cut and paste as moving the sequence a minute or two is too much for a shift.

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What I do is fairly simple. Doesn't sound as simple as Mr. P - but I can't get a section to disappear using those technics he mentioned. So, I do the following:

1. run the song through Audacity.

2. then delete the section of song I don't want. 

3. export shortened song section.

4. start new sequence with the newly created edited song clip.

5. copy/paste the needed LOR section from the longer sequence into the shortened one.

(Tips - think about the section you are trimming out and what will be left. Meaning, try to go for tenths of a second to help you line up your pasting. Also, songs are like bar codes - they have start commands and stop commands. To be sure your next song starts in your show after, or this one starts next after another, whatever - leave some of the first little bit and the ending bit - to be sure your show doesn't go all caddywhompass on you..) 

John Storms has good info and links to download the free Audacity program : https://sites.google.com/site/listentoourlights/home/how-to/converting-mp3-to-constant-bit-rate

The Audacity tutorials explain more here : http://manual.audacityteam.org/man/tutorials.html

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Mine was for shortening the sequence affects and not the song. If you want to shorten the song then do as Mega stated and run it through Audacity.

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